Find Healing and Freedom through Specialized Christian Counseling for SRA Recovery
Expert support for those overcoming spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical blockages. Specialized in Satanic Ritual Abuse Recovery
At Healing the Brokenhearted, we provide a refuge for those seeking deliverance and renewal through faith and scripture. Led by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, a specialist in Christian Inner Healing and Deliverance, we combine biblical truths with expert spiritual guidance to address and overcome the most profound spiritual and emotional blockages. Our holistic approach integrates faith-based deliverance techniques with compassionate support to help you tackle demonic oppression, emotional wounds, and spiritual hindrances.
Whether you're struggling with spiritual warfare, lingering traumas, fear, or personal conflicts, our deliverance sessions are tailored to empower you with the divine tools and insights necessary for true healing and transformation. Embark on a journey of liberation where your faith is both your defense and your compass, guiding you towards the peace and purpose that God has designed for you. Each session is a step closer to breaking free from the chains that bind you, allowing you to live a life of freedom and fulfillment in Christ.
Personalized Sessions for (SRA) Recovery
Embark on a path of recovery from satanic ritual abuse with our comprehensive sessions that emphasize Christian Deliverance and Inner Healing. Our program is meticulously designed to close the doorways to the enemy, break curses, and facilitate deprogramming, all through the transformative power of Jesus Christ's guidance. By incorporating Christian Deliverance into our approach, we address the spiritual battles at their core, offering a robust foundation for healing and reclaiming control over your life. These sessions are a sanctuary for those seeking to mend the scars of spiritual abuse, providing a supportive and nurturing environment where healing is guided by faith, hope, and the love of Christ. Our mission is to guide you through a journey of liberation, empowering you to shed the chains of the past and step into a future of peace, wholeness, and renewed spiritual strength.
Proverbs 20:5 (NIV): "The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out."
Tailored Healing Sessions: Customized to meet the distinct spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical aspects of each individual's journey after SRA.
Spiritual Liberation through Deliverance: Expertise in Exorcism and deliverance techniques to alleviate the spiritual afflictions associated with SRA.
Deep Inner Healing: A dedicated exploration aimed at addressing and mending the emotional and mental wounds, underpinned by spiritual support.
Christ-Centered Guidance: With Jesus as both a compassionate Friend and sovereign Father, we provide a nurturing and empowering healing experience.
Root Cause Discovery: Through the discernment in Christ, we delve into and address the underlying spiritual conflicts that SRA victims face.
A Sanctuary for Healing: Offering a safe and dignified space where individuals can openly share their experiences and seek God's healing touch.
Healing in Divine Justice and Mercy: Our healing process is framed within the context of seeking divine resolution, balancing justice with God’s infinite mercy.
A Journey of Transformation: Each session is designed not just for immediate relief but as a pivotal step in a holistic journey towards full recovery and well-being.
Confidential and Compassionate Support: Upholding the highest standards of privacy and understanding, ensuring a safe path to healing.
Holistic Approach to Wellness: Recognizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of a person's being, we aim for total restoration, encompassing spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health.
Luke 10:17-20 (NLT): "When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to him, 'Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name!' 'Yes,' he told them, 'I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.'"
Testimony from Hanna Youn
★★★★★ Google Review
My personal experience here felt life-saving and overwhelmingly edifying during a time of personal spiritual confusion and turmoil. It really is a ministry. I received a lot of unexpected encouragement from Jesus which helped release me from some life threatening lies that I did not recognize I was deeply fighting against. and guidance/tools for experiencing the inner healing and deliverance that flows from the cross. I felt that pastor Timothy is surrendered to Christ and professional. I would recommend anyone to reach out and see what God has in store for them. The ministry feels like a deep gem of light to me. I am so thankful.
What is Satanic Ritual Abuse
Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is a deeply distressing form of abuse that targets individuals at multiple levels: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. This abuse is orchestrated within rituals that purportedly honor Satan, involving a range of horrifying practices aimed at controlling and breaking the will of the victims. The essence of SRA lies in its use of satanic rituals to inflict trauma, creating lasting scars on those subjected to its ceremonies.
Victims of SRA are often forced into participating in rituals that are not only degrading but are designed to instill a deep sense of fear and allegiance to satanic entities. These rituals can include, but are not limited to, physical and sexual abuse, psychological manipulation, and the witnessing or participation in blood sacrifices. The nature of these abuses is such that it leaves indelible marks on the victims' psyche, necessitating a specialized approach to recovery that can address the complex web of trauma experienced.
Psalm 147:3 (NLT) "He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds."
The recovery from SRA is multifaceted, requiring a blend of spiritual liberation and deep inner healing. Christian Deliverance and Inner Healing offer a pathway out of the shadows cast by such profound abuse. These practices focus on closing the spiritual doorways opened by SRA, breaking the curses laid upon victims, and guiding them through a process of deprogramming the lies and fears instilled by their abusers. Through the power of Jesus Christ and the support of a faith-based community, individuals can find the strength to heal and reclaim their lives.
Examples of SRA abuse often involve harrowing experiences that are difficult to comprehend for those outside these traumatic circumstances. Individuals may recount tales of being subjected to rituals that mock Christian sacraments, forced participation in animal or human sacrifices, and enduring extreme forms of abuse designed to pledge their souls to Satan. These experiences are not just physically damaging but are aimed at severing the victims' connections to their faith and humanity.
Proverbs 11:14: "Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."
Healing from SRA through Christian Inner Healing and Deliverance is a journey of reclaiming one's spiritual sovereignty and healing the wounds inflicted on the soul, mind, and body. This process involves recognizing the presence of Christ as a source of unconditional love and strength, utilizing prayer and spiritual warfare to sever ties with dark entities, and engaging in therapeutic practices that restore the individual's sense of self and connection to God. Through dedicated support, compassionate guidance, and the transformative power of faith, victims of SRA can embark on a path towards recovery, finding peace and wholeness in the embrace of Christ's love and mercy.
Libertação, NÃO deve ser confundida com Cura Interior, é apenas outra palavra (mais palatável) para Exorcismo. OK, vá mais devagar. Não é como você pode ter visto no cinema, na internet ou na televisão. Resumindo, é a expulsão de demônios. É feito invocando o Nome e Autoridade de Jesus (Marcos 16: 16-18) . Em um local tranquilo, confortável e seguro.
Por telefone, zoom, Skype ou Facetime
Por meio de uma sessão individual individual, discutimos suas preocupações, identificamos os direitos legais para a desmonetização e curamos as feridas em nome de Jesus.
As feridas comuns incluem: preocupação, pânico, estresse, terror, tristeza, solidão, tristeza, culpa, autocondenação, desespero, constrangimento, humilhação, inutilidade, indignidade, devastação, ciúme, irritabilidade, depressão, reação exagerada emocional, transtorno obsessivo compulsivo ou TOC , PTSD, Tempo Perdido, Ouvir Vozes, Auto-ódio, Auto-Lesão (corte), Pensamentos ou Tentativas Suicidas ou Desligamento Emocional, etc.
Todos aqueles que conhecem a sua misericórdia, Senhor, contarão com a sua ajuda. Pois você ainda não abandonou aqueles que confiam em você. (Salmo 9:10)
O pastor Timothy trabalhará com você após a sessão de cura interior para lidar com a opressão demoníaca. Durante o processo de libertação, o primeiro e segundo demônios de maior autoridade (Mateus 18:18) em você serão amarrados e escoltados às cortes do céu (Hebreus 12: 22-24) , para que as cortes sejam reunidas sobre sua vida e autoridade acima dele. Os 2 demônios principais serão amarrados e enviados de volta à terra com uma lista de instruções e diretivas do Senhor , bem como julgamentos se eles não obedecerem. Eles são informados de que hoje é o dia de sua partida (todo demônio é este vaso será consumido).
Durante este processo, iremos:
Unja e ore .
Explique a quebra de maldição .
Oração para acabar com as maldições geracionais .
Oração para interromper as atividades ocultas .
Oração para acabar com as maldições da feitiçaria .
Oração para quebrar as emoções destrutivas (orgulho, rejeição, raiva, ódio, medo, depressão, isolamento, ódio de si mesmo, vício, luxúria e rebelião) .
Oração para romper o comportamento demoníaco (Maldições de Origem Nacional, Étnica, Racial, assassinato, morte, destruição, diversões (jogos de azar), finanças (amor ao dinheiro) e O Espírito de Jezabel / Acabe) .
Oração para quebrar maldições de enfermidades físicas e mentais .
Oração por perdoar os outros e a si mesmo pelo que eles fizeram a você .
Oração pelo perdão para romper os pecados sexuais e os laços da alma .
Curar ferimentos graves alma 3 a 5 principais áreas em sua vida (ter Jesus entrar, tem Jesus conversa com a parte ferida em você, ter Jesus levar a mágoa e dor de distância).
Ensiná-lo a fazer auto cura interior.
Cure os principais problemas que você está passando agora (depressão, ansiedade, desesperança, autocondenação, terror noturno, etc.) em nome de Jesus.
Descubra a idade de quando o ferida foi criada permitindo essa enfermidade ?
Descubra a emoção quando a ferida foi criada permitindo esta enfermidade e cure as feridas em nome de Jesus .
Saiba w aqui o inimigo obtém a maior parte de seu poder em sua vida?
Saiba w do chapéu # 1 mentira do inimigo enviado a você? Descobrir se há alguma outra mentira que ele (inimigo) seja obrigado a me contar?
Descubra quantas partes feridas ainda existem, que ainda não foram curadas? Cure essas partes feridas em nome de Jesus.
Descubra se cura ou verdade foi enviada por Deus?
Descubra se o Senhor tem uma palavra ou uma Escritura para você ?
Exorcize os demônios e ordene-lhes que vão ao fosso.
Ensine como fazer a cura interior de si mesmo.
Ensine como fazer a auto-libertação.
Todo o processo é pacífico, minucioso e absolutamente confidencial.
O Senhor está perto dos quebrantados de coração e salva aqueles que têm o espírito esmagado. (Salmo 34:18)
Testimony from Camila Sousa
★★★★★ Google Review
On this spiritual journey, we all need to be guided and I believe it is the Holy Spirit that guides us to the right person at the exact moment we need it. I searched a lot and when I saw timothy's profile I was confident that it would be a key for me to go further on my journey. Thank you for the amazing session we had, Inner Healing and Deliverance is essential for any Christian.

About Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
My name is Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, and I have spent over 15 years in ministry, serving in roles from worship pastor to senior pastor, and currently lead Healing the Brokenhearted, a Christian Counseling Ministry. My career began at New Life Ministries, where I focused on marriage guidance and supporting troubled youth, guided by mentors who enriched my approach to spiritual and personal counseling. This foundation has been crucial in developing my skills in Christian Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Exorcisms under the mentorship of Dr. Scott Bicton, and in Biblical Counseling, enhancing my understanding of scripture and pastoral care.
At Healing the Brokenhearted, we specialize in pastoral counseling, inner healing, deliverance, and facilitating spiritual encounters in the Courts of Heaven. Our goal is to support those facing spiritual and emotional challenges by providing personalized care and opportunities to engage directly with the transformative power of Jesus. My own experiences of personal loss and recovery through God’s grace drive my passion to share healing and hope. If you are seeking a path to recovery and spiritual growth, I invite you to join us at Healing the Brokenhearted, where we are dedicated to guiding you through your journey with empathy and faith.
FAQs on Exorcism, Deliverance, and Christian Inner Healing
What is Christian Deliverance?
Christian deliverance, also known as spiritual liberation, is a dynamic and ongoing sanctification process in which an individual is set free from spiritual oppression or demonic influence, thereby restoring their spiritual and emotional well-being. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, this practice embraces a three-pronged prayer strategy that involves approaching Jesus as a friend, father, and judge, as supported by various scriptural references.
Mark 1:34 highlights Jesus' authority over evil spirits and His power to heal, demonstrating the fundamental basis of this deliverance. Meanwhile, Jesus' prophecy in Luke 4:18-19 unveils His mission, including spiritual liberation and healing for those under oppression.
By following this approach, believers build a deeper connection with Jesus, fostering a strong foundation for inner healing and forgiveness. Christian inner healing focuses on addressing the legal rights at the root of spiritual oppression, allowing individuals to break free from negative forces and fully embrace the transformative power of God's grace. This belief aligns with Romans 12:2, emphasizing the ongoing process of transformation and renewal of the mind as a part of God's will.
This practice is commonly performed by pastors, ministers, or other trained Christian leaders who invoke the power, name and authortiy of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:9-11) and the Holy Spirit to cast out negative forces or entities from the afflicted person's life. James 5:14-16 underlines the importance of prayer, community, and confession in achieving healing and deliverance, demonstrating this practice's biblical foundation.
As part of the ongoing sanctification process, Christian deliverance encourages continuous spiritual growth and development, helping individuals strengthen their relationship with Jesus and experience lasting freedom and healing. 2 Corinthians 3:17 and John 8:36 assure believers of this genuine freedom that is found in the Spirit of the Lord and through Jesus.
Deliverance refers to the broader process of setting someone free from spiritual oppression, demonic influence, or emotional and mental blockages, affirming that "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36). This spiritual freedom, rooted in the teachings and authority of Jesus Christ, highlights the transformative power of God's grace and the continuous journey of sanctification.
What is an Exorcism?
An exorcism is a specific type of deliverance that deals with the expulsion of demonic possession. It is a sacred rite carried out by an authorized clergy member, such as a priest, pastor, or minister, who uses prayers and rituals based on Jesus' authority: "In my name they will drive out demons" (Mark 16:17), to confront and expel the malevolent presence from the possessed individual.
Exorcism, as a formal ceremony, is most notably associated with the Catholic Church but is also practiced in other Christian denominations and various religious traditions around the world.
In the exorcism process, demons are bound, in accordance with Matthew 18:18: "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven," and escorted by two angels to the Courts of Heaven to testify against the afflicted individual, reflecting a similar process to that seen in Luke 18.
Jesus, serving as our intermediary, intercedes for us, as substantiated by 1 Timothy 2:5: "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." This is echoed in the book of Hebrews, where it encourages us to "boldly approach the throne of grace, to obtain mercy and find grace for timely help" (Hebrews 4:16)
As we present ourselves to Jesus, acknowledging Him as our Judge, demons are directed to remain silent and only speak upon command, as illustrated in Mark 1:25-26. This tranquil atmosphere paves the way for the Holy Spirit, enabling it to convey the issues that Jesus must confront and resolve.
In our journey towards inner healing, Jesus beckons us to relate to Him with the boldness of a friend who doesn't hesitate to knock on a door at midnight to ask for help, demonstrating what is described as shameless persistence in Luke 11:5-8. This implies a relentless approach to prayer, continually seeking Him until we find our answers. On the other hand, we are also invited to approach Jesus in the familiar and loving guise of a father. Like children coming to their parent for daily sustenance, we are encouraged to seek our Heavenly Father as portrayed in the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. In doing so, we not only ask for our physical needs but also seek help to forgive others, resist temptation, and find spiritual guidance. This dual relationship with Jesus – as both a persistent friend and a caring father – lies at the heart of spiritual healing and restoration.
This is the key to deliverance, exorcisms, and resolving nearly every legal right the enemy has against us. Embracing Jesus as our friend and father fosters a deeper connection, enabling us to experience His love, healing, and transformative power in our lives.
Throughout the exorcism and inner healing process, the presence of Jesus, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), ensures a peaceful and spiritually guided experience. By confronting and removing the malevolent forces, individuals can find freedom, healing, and restoration, allowing them to fully embrace the transformative power of God's love and mercy.
What is Christian Inner Healing?
Christian Inner Healing is a holistic approach to emotional and spiritual restoration, drawing on Jesus' teachings to address the root causes of emotional wounds, traumas, and negative beliefs that may impede one's relationship with God and overall well-being. This practice embodies the spirit of 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you," and integrates prayer, biblical principles, and Holy Spirit's guidance, reminiscent of John 14:26, "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
The aim of Christian Inner Healing is to aid individuals in identifying and confronting unresolved emotional pain, fostering forgiveness towards oneself and others, inspired by Ephesians 4:32, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." It seeks to lighten burdens that might obstruct experiencing God's love and grace fully, as Matthew 11:28-30 encourages us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Addressing these issues allows individuals to break free from past hurts, fears, and spiritual strongholds, as promised in 2 Corinthians 10:4, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." This leads to a renewed sense of purpose, freedom, and spiritual growth, aligning with 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
The process of Christian Inner Healing typically involves the following steps:
Recognition: Identifying and acknowledging the emotional wounds, traumas, or negative beliefs that need healing, reminiscent of Psalm 139:23-24, "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
Prayer: Inviting the Holy Spirit's presence and seeking divine guidance throughout the healing process, reflecting Ephesians 6:18, "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."
Forgiveness: Actively forgiving oneself and others involved in past hurts, releasing resentment, and embracing God's forgiveness, as encouraged in Matthew 6:14, "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
Renunciation: Rejecting any lies or false beliefs rooted in past emotional pain and replacing them with biblical truths, aligning with John 8:32, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Restoration: Allowing God's love and grace to heal the emotional wounds and restore the individual's sense of self-worth, identity, and purpose, as promised in Psalm 147:3, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds," and in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
Through the journey of Christian Inner Healing, individuals can cultivate a rejuvenated bond with God, attain emotional freedom, and gain a deep-seated understanding of their true identity as children of God, mirroring the sentiment expressed in Galatians 4:7, "So you are no longer a slave, but God's child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir." This transformative journey propels spiritual growth, personal development, and paves the way to a life of abundance as depicted in John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Engaging in this process of inner healing allows individuals to move closer to God's intended plan for their lives, aligning with the hopeful promise of Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
How long does an exorcism or deliverance session typically last?
The duration of an exorcism or deliverance session varies depending on the individual's circumstances and the complexity of their spiritual issues. We offer session options of either 60 minutes or 90 minutes. While some situations may be resolved within an hour, others may require the extended 90-minute session or multiple sessions to achieve complete freedom and healing. The longer session provides more time to address broken-hearted issues, with the Holy Spirit serving as your guide. As stated in scripture, "the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth" (John 16:13).
How many sessions does it take to achieve freedom?
Each person's journey to freedom is unique, as we are all coming before Jesus as a friend and knocking on the door shamelessly and persistently. While some may experience immediate miracles and freedom, others might find that Jesus is guiding them through a process that requires trust and persistence. As illustrated in the parable of the friend at midnight (Luke 11:5-8) and the parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8), Jesus doesn't always specify when the door will be opened or when justice will be served, but persistence and faith are key.
Typically, most clients book 2 to 3 sessions in advance to fully address their spiritual challenges. It is essential to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit regarding the number of sessions needed for your unique situation and to trust in Jesus as you embark on your journey to freedom.
Can deliverance or exorcism be performed remotely (e.g., over the phone or via video call)?
Yes, deliverance or exorcism can be conducted remotely, as the power of prayer and the authority of Jesus Christ transcend physical distance. Nonetheless, it is essential to collaborate with a qualified and experienced pastor or counselor who can effectively guide and support you throughout the process while providing tools and teachings to help you continue on the path to freedom. We exclusively utilize Google Meet for our remote sessions, which can be accessed through video or phone calls. We do not make direct phone calls, as Google Meet offers worldwide phone numbers for those who may not have access to video options.
Is it possible for demonic oppression to return after a deliverance or exorcism?
In some cases, demonic oppression may return if an individual does not maintain their spiritual growth and protection. It's crucial to cultivate and sustain a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship to guard against future attacks. According to the Bible, after deliverance, the demon may wander and then return to check if you are actively pursuing Christ and seeking righteousness (Luke 11:24-26). If the individual is not committed to their spiritual growth, the demon may return with seven other spirits more wicked than itself, causing the person's condition to be worse than before.
Each person's journey to freedom is unique, as we all come before Jesus as a friend, knocking on the door shamelessly and persistently. While some may experience immediate miracles and freedom, others might find that Jesus is leading them through a process that requires trust and persistence. As demonstrated in the parable of the friend at midnight (Luke 11:5-8) and the parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8), Jesus doesn't always indicate when the door will be opened or when justice will be delivered, but persistence and faith are essential.
Is inner healing only for Christians?
Inner healing is not exclusive to Christians, for Jesus, in his limitless compassion, extended healing to many who were not of Jewish descent during His ministry. The primary requirement for receiving His healing was, and continues to be, faith in His ability to bring about the desired change. We see this clearly in the gospels, as in the case of the Roman centurion in Matthew 8:5-13. Although not Jewish, the centurion believed in Jesus' authority and His ability to heal his servant. Jesus commended his faith and healed his servant.
Another powerful example is the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28, who was not a Jew but displayed great faith in Jesus' ability to heal her demon-possessed daughter. Despite initial hurdles, her faith did not waver, and because of her belief, her daughter was healed.
Healing can be experienced by anyone who places their faith in Jesus and His power to heal, regardless of their religious background. This applies to a multitude of religions that recognize either the God of Abraham, Jesus Christ, or both, within their teachings:
Christianity: Christians revere the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Son of God, who was crucified and resurrected for the salvation of humanity. Central to all denominations, despite their varying interpretations and practices, are these beliefs.
Islam: Muslims acknowledge the God of Abraham, referred to as Allah, and regard Abraham as a prophet. They recognize Jesus (Isa in Arabic) as a prophet and a messenger of God, not as the Son of God or the Messiah. Hence, a Muslim who views Jesus as a prophet and trusts in His healing powers can experience healing.
Judaism: Judaism is deeply connected to the God of Abraham, with Jewish people tracing their lineage back to him. Although Jesus is not recognized as the Messiah or the Son of God, a Jewish individual, trusting in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's ability to heal, can certainly experience restoration.
Muslims: Muslims believe in the God of Abraham, known to them as Allah. Abraham, or Ibrahim in Arabic, is recognized as a major prophet in Islam, revered for his unwavering devotion to Allah. Muslims trace their spiritual heritage back to Abraham, and therefore, the God of Abraham holds significant importance in Islamic faith.
Bahá'í Faith: The Bahá'í faith acknowledges the God of Abraham and views Jesus as a Manifestation of God, a major prophet. They also believe in the oneness of all religions, respecting the spiritual truth found in various religious traditions.
Rastafarianism: Rastafarians recognize the God of Abraham, whom they call Jah. They view Jesus as a divine figure and a prophet, but their primary object of worship is Haile Selassie I, the former Ethiopian emperor, considered a reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
Messianic Judaism: This modern religious movement blends Christianity (with the key belief that Jesus is the Messiah) and elements of Jewish tradition.
Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints): Mormons believe in the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Messiah. They also believe that God and Jesus are separate beings, part of the heavenly "Godhead" that also includes the Holy Spirit.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Jehovah's Witnesses worship the God of Abraham, referred to as Jehovah, viewing Jesus Christ as God's first creation, a perfect representation of Jehovah but not Almighty God.
In all these faiths, individual interpretations and beliefs can widely vary. The key is belief - a faith in action that allows the healing power of God, as embodied by Jesus, to manifest. Irrespective of one's religious affiliation, anyone who believes in Jesus' ability to heal can experience it.
As Jesus said in Matthew 9:22, "Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you," and in Matthew 9:29, "According to your faith let it be done to you," these instances emphasize the pivotal role of faith in receiving healing. It invites us to take steps towards inner healing, activate our faith, and embrace the healing power of God in our lives.
Is exorcism or Delivernce only for Christians?
No, exorcism is not exclusive to Christians. Throughout history, various religions and cultures have practiced their own forms of exorcism or spiritual healing to deal with demonic possession or evil influences. In the New Testament, there are several accounts of exorcisms performed by the apostles, which extended beyond the Jewish community.
Acts 5:12-16: The apostles, particularly Peter, performed many signs, wonders, and healings, including casting out evil spirits. People of various backgrounds brought the sick and those tormented by unclean spirits to the apostles, and they were all healed.
Acts 8:4-8: After the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem, Philip, one of the seven chosen deacons, went to Samaria and preached the Gospel. He cast out unclean spirits from many who were possessed, including non-Jews, and there was great joy in the city as a result of these miracles.
Acts 19:11-12: In Ephesus, God performed extraordinary miracles through the Apostle Paul. Even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched Paul's skin were used to heal the sick and drive out evil spirits, regardless of their religious background.
Acts 19:13-16: This passage recounts an incident in which Jewish exorcists, known as the sons of Sceva, attempted to cast out a demon using the name of Jesus, even though they were not believers themselves. The evil spirit overpowered them, and they fled the house naked and wounded. This story demonstrates the importance of genuine faith and authority in Christ when confronting demonic forces, showing that the power of exorcism is not limited to a specific religious group.