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Interpersonal and Spiritual Disputes Brought Before the Courts of Heaven

Resolving Conflicts Through the Courts of Heaven

Mentoring on The Courts of Heaven Replay 08-22-2023

Unresolved relational conflicts and unseen spiritual disputes can feel like weights dragging down our lives and walk with God. Offenses festering between friends, family or church members create barriers to true unity and intimacy. Generational sin patterns, word curses and demonic strongholds invisibly war against our destiny. We often struggle in vain to fix these issues through human effort alone.

But praise God - He has given us access to the ultimate heavenly resource for breakthrough! By approaching the throne of grace in humility and faith, we can call upon our Righteous Judge Jesus to intervene in every earthly injustice (Hebrews 4:16). As our Mediator, High Priest and heavenly Advocate before the Father, Christ has authority to render justice, heal divides and set the captives free (1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 4:14, 1 John 2:1). As believers, we hold the keys to unlock heavenly justice through heartfelt prayer.

Biblical Basis for the Courts of Heaven

Is the concept of a heavenly courtroom with God as Judge truly biblical? Absolutely! From Genesis to Revelation, we see scenes where God is petitioned to decide matters of dispute and contention.

In 1 Kings 22, the prophet Micaiah envisioned "the host of heaven standing by" as God presided on His throne, sovereignly decreeing events on earth. In Job 1-2, Satan himself appeared in this heavenly courtroom, seeking permission to attack Job which God permitted within limits.

Daniel 7 provides a vivid glimpse of the Ancient of Days seated on His fiery throne of judgment as "books were opened" and the heavenly court convened. The apostle John also witnessed this awe-inspiring courtroom vision in Revelation 4-5, with God holding a scroll sealed with seven seals. Angels here are depicted carrying out divine judgments issued from Heaven's court.

Paul confirms that every believer has bold access to God's throne where Christ intercedes for us as High Priest (Hebrews 4:16). We enter a spiritual realm when approaching God's presence in prayer. The heavenly courtroom is very real, though unseen! And through faith in Christ, we have the right to bring matters before our eternal Judge and Advocate.

The Courts of Heaven Operate on Legal Principles

In pursuing justice through prayer, it helps to recognize that the Courts of Heaven follow certain legal protocols. There must be legitimate grounds or "legal right" for the court to rule in your favor. This is not to limit God's sovereignty, but reveals spiritual principles He has established. Consider the following dynamics:

1) Repentance - For God to remedy injustices done against you, there first must be repentance for any role you played in the situation. Bringing sins into the light through confession removes legal barriers (1 John 1:9). Other parties may also need to repent before reconciliation can fully occur.

2) Forgiveness - Choosing to forgive others releases God's mercy and grace to resolve the dispute. Forgiveness may precede the other party's repentance. God cannot pouring out His healing while unforgiveness remains in our hearts (Matthew 6:14-15).

3) Alignment with God's Word - Your appeals and requests must align with the truth of Scripture, which reveals God's will. The Word is our courtroom evidence and legal witness. God watches over His Word to perform it (Isaiah 55:10-11, Jeremiah 1:12).

4) Persistence - Breakthrough often requires persistent prayer and patience to outlast spiritual resistance. God desires faithfulness more than immediate results (Luke 18:1-8). Pressing in prayer aligns the verdict on earth with the decrees already established in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

5) Praise and Thanksgiving - Maintaining a spirit of praise while awaiting justice and deliverance expresses trust in God's faithfulness. This posture of worship activates breakthrough (Acts 16:25-26). Giving thanks beforehand for the answer to your prayers aligns your faith with God's purposes (Philippians 4:6-7).

Employing Daniel's Prayer Strategies

The prophet Daniel provides a wise model for engaging the Courts of Heaven. His example in Daniel 7 gives practical keys:

- Humility - Daniel approached the Ancient of Days seated on the throne with deepest awe and reverence. We must adopt this same humble stance as we call upon the Lord, our Righteous Judge (James 4:10).

- Fasting - Daniel consistently combined fasting with his prayers. Seeking God's face through fasting and sacrifice prepares our hearts to receive His revelations and breakthroughs (Matthew 6:17-18).

- Repentance - Daniel's passionate prayer of repentance in Daniel 9 unleashed God's response. Confessing and turning from sin removes legal blocks to our petitions (Proverbs 28:13).

- God's Word - While not recorded in this passage, Daniel grounded his prayers in Scripture and God's promises. God's Word provides legal basis for our appeals (Psalm 119:42).

- Persistence - Despite perplexity over his visions, Daniel persisted in seeking God until He brought understanding (Daniel 7: 15-16). We must press in and not lose heart (Luke 18:1).

- Partnering with Angels - Daniel witnessed Heaven's angelic army executing the Ancient of Day's judicial decrees (Daniel 7:9-10). As we pray, angels hearken to God's Word on our behalf (Psalm 103:20).

- Spirit of Prophecy - Humbling himself before God opened Daniel to prophetic visions disclosing the future (Daniel 7:13-14). Prophecy often guides the prayers that unlock destinies.

Bringing Our Cases Before God

Based on these scriptural examples and principles, what does it look like practically to bring matters before the Courts of Heaven? Here is one way to approach God's throne of grace:

"Heavenly Father, I come before Your throne of mercy and grace as my Righteous Judge. I present before You the unresolved disputes and conflicts in my relationships with (name the person/people or groups involved). I especially bring before You offenses from my past with (name specific issues).

Lord, I choose to forgive those who have hurt or offended me, just as I ask for Your forgiveness where I have fallen short (Matthew 6:14-15). Thank You for reconciling us to You so that we may be reconciled to others (2 Corinthians 5:18). I ask You to bring conviction, granting us godly sorrow that leads to repentance and restoration (2 Corinthians 7:10). Remove all bitterness, anger and slander from our hearts by the power of Your Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:31).

I also submit to You ongoing spiritual disputes with the enemy seeking to oppress, discourage and destroy me through lies, fear, addictions, or other strongholds. I renounce and evict any footholds granting Satan access in my life or family lineage (1 Peter 5:8-9). As my High Priest, please present the blood of Jesus before the Father to atone for my sins and cancel all unholy accusations (Hebrews 4:14-16, Romans 8:33-34). I ask Your gavel to sound, evicting every enemy intruder and decreeing their legal claims null and void (Luke 10:19). May Your Kingdom purposes prevail on earth as they have already been determined in Heaven (Matthew 6:10). Thank You for the victory only You can provide! In Jesus' mighty name, amen."

Friends, I encourage you to boldly yet reverently approach Christ on His throne to petition for relational healing and spiritual freedom. As our Mediator, High Priest and heavenly Lawyer, Jesus delightfully takes up our cases, compelling justice, deliverance and breakthrough (Hebrews 7:25). God has amazing solutions to every conflict we face - we need only ask and align our prayers with His truth.

The Lord invites His children to pursue Him together for matters weighing heavy on your heart. Allow Him to lift unjust burdens as you surrender them to His Courts. Prepare for reconciliation, restoration and outpourings of grace as you appeal to the Righteous Judge. He is for you and will empower you to walk in freedom and boldness through the breakthrough only He can provide!


Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers

Amy's Testimony: Amy was struggling through a painful divorce after being married for over 15 years. Last year, she received a dream from the Lord showing a specific settlement amount that her husband originally agreed to. However, after following poor legal advice, he began claiming sole rights to their house and joint business. This resulted in over $60,000 in legal fees over the past year as the court battles continued.

Feeling stuck and needing breakthrough, Amy reached out during the webinar to walk through her situation. Pastor Timothy first prayed for God's presence to fill Amy and asked Jesus to reveal any open doorways granting the enemy a foothold. Amy sensed the Lord highlighting the wrong path she had gone down in the relationship. She confessed and took responsibility for her part, asking Jesus to forgive her. Timothy then led Amy to renounce any spirits afflicting her and proclaim freedom in Christ.

Amazingly, Amy received prophetic glimpses from Jesus showing her small gift bows, indicating breakthrough was coming. She also felt His tangible peace flooding painful memories from the relationship. After commanding all spirits to leave, Amy boldly asked Jesus for a verdict on her guilt over the divorce. To her joy, she clearly heard Jesus declare "not guilty!" This brought much relief, though more inner healing was still needed.

While Amy did not immediately see a shift in the court proceedings, she gained experience standing before God's throne and presenting her case to the Righteous Judge. She learned to listen for His voice revealing legal footholds. Amy left understanding that persistently petitioning Jesus through the ups and downs is key to finding freedom and justice through the courts of heaven.

Reshay's Testimony: Reshay dialed in from South Africa, already familiar with the courts of heaven from his experience as an attorney, yet feeling doubtful and stagnant in the process. He was hoping for breakthrough in his finances, which seemed stuck despite praying through the courts before.

Pastor Timothy first led Reshay to repent for any bitterness that might be hindering his prayers. He then asked Jesus to reveal any legal rights or contracts granting the enemy access. Though Reshay only vaguely saw two doorframes, this exercise built his faith to keep appealing to the Courtroom of Heaven.

Even as an attorney, Reshay realized he could not approach God's throne seeking instant results like in an earthly court. Divine justice often requires persevering through seasons of waiting and seeking in faith. Reshay was encouraged to pursue inner healing for past hurts that could be impacting his connection with God and ability to receive blessing.

While financial breakthrough did not manifest that day, Reshay gained understanding of blending legal principles with relational humility before the Righteous Judge. He saw the value in patiently petitioning Heaven's Court even when waylaid by doubts, frustrations or lack of clarity. As Revelation unfolds in God's timing, Reshay can stand upon Christ's promises and not lose heart.

Though feeling discouraged initially by stalled finances, Reshay gained fresh hope from this webinar. He learned to realign his expectations with God's purposeful process. While urgent in persistently appealing to Heaven, Reshay embraced becoming a patient waiter on the Lord's perfect timing. As he perseveres in faith, breakthrough will surely come.

Nick's Testimony: Nick called in from the UK, having met with Pastor Timothy previously for deliverance from nightmares and financial setbacks in his life. Just the night before this webinar, Nick had suffered another demonic attack in his sleep through a horrifying nightmare.

Pastor Timothy led Nick through renouncing any spirits afflicting him and commanding them to leave in Jesus' name. He then asked Jesus to bring prophetic confirmations and healing to the traumatic night terror from last night. Though Nick did not receive any visions, he shared feeling the Lord's tangible peace come to that memory, reassuring him of Christ's victory.

They proceeded to bring this issue before the Righteous Judge in the Courtroom of Heaven. Timothy petitioned Jesus to testify on Nick's behalf and reveal any legal rights granting the enemy access. When prophetic revelations did not immediately come forth, Timothy exhorted Nick to persistently approach God's throne of grace until receiving breakthrough.

While more victories are still needed, Nick gained experience exercising his authority in Christ over demonic nightmares. He learned to stand upon God's promises, even when the way ahead seems unclear. Nick left understanding that breakthrough in the courts sometimes comes gradually, as God heals wounds and reveals revelations over time.

Though discouraged by lingering spiritual battles, Nick gained new perspective through this webinar. He saw firsthand the value of consistently commanding demons to flee while petitioning Jesus for justice. As Nick perseveres in faith, he can trust Christ to fight on his behalf until every demonic assignment is overturned. What God starts, He will be faithful to complete!

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