Maintaining intimate fellowship with God using David's example
Deliverance Service Replay 10/17/2023
Saints, what an honor and joy to be gathered here today, united by our earnest desire to walk in the fullness of victory and authority provided through our Lord Jesus Christ. As we continue unmasking King David's battle-tested secrets for breakthrough, I feel led by the Holy Spirit to go deeper on a matter absolutely vital for our effectiveness against demonic powers – cultivating intimate, moment-by-moment fellowship with Almighty God.
Though David was a fierce warrior who subdued enemies of God’s kingdom, Scripture reveals his fiercest and most important battles were often fought on his knees, in the prayer closet and times of deep worship. More than a warrior, David was fundamentally a worshipper nurturing an intimate bond with his Creator that anchored and empowered him for victory against all odds and enemies.
In times of dramatic failure and condemnation, David’s immediate recourse was to strengthen himself in the Lord his God. When demonic forces assailed him, rather than relying on his skill or reputation, David fixed his eyes on the One who fought on his behalf. His passionate, vulnerable connection with the Lord was the bedrock on which his life of spiritual breakthrough was built.
Saints, we absolutely must follow David's example to fiercely guard our intimacy with Christ against anything that would disrupt it. For only remaining in intimate, dependent connection and abiding in the True Vine can equip us to resist our adversary the devil and walk in authority as more than conquerors. The enemy’s chief aim is always to undermine fellowship with Lord through deceiving lies, distractions, discouragement about the future, or condemning guilt over yesterday’s sins.
So today I feel led to go deeper highlighting 8 vital principles David modeled to maintain close communion and nurture an unhindered flow with Almighty God – our Refuge, Fortress, and Deliverer. Applying these steps positions us to receive spiritual breakthrough.
1. Regularly Recount God's Past Faithfulness
First, David continually nurtured intimacy and trust with the Lord by recounting His faithfulness towards him in past seasons of life. He made a daily habit of rehearsing the Almighty’s undeserved kindness, miraculous interventions, and provisions on his behalf all along the journey.

In Psalm 77:11-15 David recalls how the Lord gloriously redeemed Israel from Egypt, defeating Pharaoh through incredible signs, wonders, and parting the Red Sea. Verse 14 declares “You are the God who performs miracles; You display your power among the peoples.”
In Psalm 103, David extols the Lord’s generous benefits including forgiveness, healing, redemption, mercy, and lovingkindness that satisfy our desires. He proclaims in verse 2, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”
Beloved, make it a daily practice to reflect on evidences of the Lord's faithfulness throughout your life. Keep a gratitude journal reminiscing about His miracles, provisions, interventions, and undeserved blessings. Remember how He delivered you. This will fuel greater faith and love.
2. Maintain a Clean Conscience Through Swift Repentance
Secondly, David fiercely protected his sensitive fellowship with a holy God by maintaining a clean conscience, through swiftly repenting whenever convicted of sin.
Though David failed grievously at times, he nurtured a receptive heart and quick repentance through habits of prayer, worship, and meditating on God's Word. Psalm 139:23-24 shows David praying, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me.”
When the prophet Nathan confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba, rather than rationalizing it away, David immediately confessed and repented before God, pleading for mercy. Despite being God's anointed king, he received correction with humility.
Saints, we must guard our conscience and immediately repent when Holy Spirit brings conviction, to avoid giving the devil openings through unaddressed sin issues. Maintaining short accounts with God through swift repentance safeguards intimacy.
3. Combat Condemning Lies Using God's Word
Third, to resist condemnation and maintain hope amid spiritual warfare, David combated demonic accusations by quoting Scriptures about God's loving salvation, forgiveness, and promises to powerfully deliver all who take refuge in Him.
In Psalm 42:5 David preaches truth to his downcast soul, "Why are you downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God."

He anchors his mind in God's faithful promises of redemption, protection, and abundant mercy for those who trust in the Lord. Though surrounded by enemies, he declares "I will trust and not be afraid" in Psalm 56:4, knowing God is his rock of salvation.
Beloved, we overcome the evil one's barrage of false narratives by countering those lying thoughts with the living Word of God. Wield the sword of the Spirit which is Scripture against every condemning accusation. Take every thought captive to Christ's truth.
4. Release Heavy Burdens Freely to the Lord
Fourth, David maintained a loving connection with the Lord by freely releasing every burden, fear, sorrow, or frustration to Jesus in raw, vulnerable prayer, rather than bottling anxieties inwardly.
Psalm 62:8 encourages, “Trust in Him at all times, you people. Pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.” David finds freedom through unloading everything in prayer to the Heavenly Helper.
Psalm 142:2 depicts David pouring out his lament before the Lord while hiding fearfully in a dark cave from King Saul’s pursuit. He voiced his complaints candidly, entrusting his turmoil completely to the Almighty.

Beloved, pour out your soul candidly to Jesus. Let prayer be your pressure release valve rather than stuffing fears and stress inwardly. Entrust every heavy burden to the Lord’s sovereign care. As 1 Peter 5:7 commands, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
5. Fix Your Soul's Hope on Christ Alone
Fifth, like an anchor for his soul amid storms, David resolutely fixed his hope on the Lord alone as the unshakable rock of his salvation, refuge, and portion. He preached this truth to himself relentlessly.
In Psalm 62:5-6 David testifies, “Rest in God alone my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken.” Regardless of fears or enemies, he disciplines his mind to trust God’s sovereign power and unfailing love. This focus safeguards his spirit from turmoil.
No matter how difficult his circumstances, David trained himself to redirect all thought patterns to anchor firmly in eternal truth about Christ's supremacy over every enemy and problem. He funneled his focus into the Almighty's matchless splendor.

Saints, we must continually renew our minds to pivot away from anxious thoughts and anchor unwaveringly in the character of our Rock who cannot fail. Declare Christ’s victory over fear and lack. Set your mind on things above!
6. Wait Patiently on the Lord for Guidance
Sixth, David nurtured intimacy and discernment by waiting quietly in God’s presence to receive wisdom and revelation for navigating challenges rather than rushing ahead impatiently.
Psalm 37:7 instructs, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” David listened for the Lord’s direction when making major decisions, inquiring through the ephod rather than relying on his own understanding.
Psalm 5:3 reveals David’s habit of morning devotion to listen for God’s voice and align his plans with divine wisdom. “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

Beloved, we must carve out unhurried time to be still and know the Lord rather than operating on autopilot. In quietness before Him, mighty revelation is released. Listen for His gentle whisper.
7. Offer Lavish Worship and Thanksgiving
Seventh, David powerfully nurtured intimacy with God through regularly offering extravagant, sacrificial worship and thanksgiving for the Lord’s surpassing greatness revealed through creation and Scripture.
In 2 Samuel 6:14, David danced with great zeal and joy before the Ark of God’s presence without concern for appearances. He offered sacrificial worship that cost his pride.
Psalm 103 shows David blessing and thanking the Lord passionately from his innermost being for His goodness. He declares in verse 1, “Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”
When we lavish adoration on God for His beauty and generosity, our affection for Christ deepens exponentially. Our worship ushers us into closer communion.
8. Sing Praise to God While Serving and Through the Day
Finally, David remained in an attitude of worship by singing praise to God throughout his day, even while carrying out menial tasks.
Psalm 34:1 declares, “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.” David fixed the Almighty continually in his thoughts.
Psalm 119:54 proclaims, “Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge.” He saturated his mind with Scripture through song.
Saints, we can draw closer to God by cultivating a lifestyle of praise through Scripture songs and hymns. Meditating on divine truth through melody imprints God's presence on all we do.
In Closing
In closing, I pray these 8 principles from David's life will compel us to zealously guard our intimacy with Christ. For this is the fountainhead from which spiritual authority flows. Remaining rooted in the True Vine, anchored unwaveringly to Christ our bedrock and strong tower, we will bear everlasting fruit displaying His goodness. No enemy can ultimately triumph over devoted lovers of Almighty God. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Here are some relevant statistics and facts on maintaining intimate fellowship with God:
Statistic 1: A survey conducted by the Barna Group in 2019 found that only 28% of Americans engaged in daily prayer and Bible reading. This highlights the need for more emphasis on maintaining intimate fellowship with God.
Statistic 2: According to a Lifeway Research study, 90% of churchgoers agreed that spiritual growth involves being in a close relationship with God. This indicates a widespread desire for intimacy with God within the Christian community.
Now, let's connect this teaching on maintaining intimate fellowship with God to the concept of spiritual warfare and provide some resources for further learning and application:
Connection to Spiritual Warfare Teachings
Maintaining intimate fellowship with God is closely linked to the concept of spiritual warfare. The apostle Paul emphasizes in Ephesians 6:10-18 the importance of putting on the whole armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil. Among the pieces of this spiritual armor is the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." This highlights the significance of using God's Word to combat the lies and accusations of the enemy, as discussed earlier in this blog.
Additionally, the apostle James in James 4:7-8 instructs believers to "submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." Maintaining intimacy with God is the key to effectively resisting the devil.
If you're interested in delving deeper into the topic of spiritual warfare and how it relates to maintaining intimacy with God, I recommend checking out the "Spiritual Warfare Training" offered by Timothy Tomlinson. This online training provides valuable insights and practical strategies for equipping yourself to stand strong against the forces of darkness.
Call to Action Steps Beyond Sharing and Subscribing
Now, let's explore specific ways readers can immediately apply the teaching on maintaining intimate fellowship with God:
Daily Devotional Time: Set aside a specific time each day for prayer, Bible reading, and worship. Make it a non-negotiable part of your routine to nurture intimacy with God.
Gratitude Journal: Start a gratitude journal to record God's faithfulness and blessings in your life. Review it regularly to remind yourself of His goodness.
Swift Repentance: Commit to a lifestyle of repentance. When you become aware of sin in your life, don't delay in confessing it and seeking God's forgiveness.
Scripture Memorization: Memorize key Scriptures that speak to God's faithfulness, love, and promises. Use them to combat condemning thoughts and accusations.
Worship and Praise: Integrate worship and praise into your daily activities. Sing hymns or songs of praise as you go about your tasks.
Quiet Time: Carve out moments of stillness and silence to wait on the Lord for guidance and revelation. Practice listening for His voice.
Prayer as a Release: Use prayer as a means to release your burdens, anxieties, and worries to God. Don't bottle up your concerns; pour them out to Him in prayer.
Follow-Up Resources
For those who want to explore the topic of spiritual warfare further, Timothy Tomlinson's blog series, the "Overcomers Guide," is an excellent resource. These blogs dive into King David's strategies used in spiritual warfare and provide practical insights for spiritual victory.
In addition, if you're looking for in-depth training and guidance, consider Timothy Tomlinson's paid online courses, such as "Self Deliverance and Christian Inner Healing" and "The Courts of Heaven Masterclass." These courses can provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of spiritual warfare and how to approach it with confidence and authority.
In conclusion, maintaining intimate fellowship with God, as exemplified by King David, is not only a source of spiritual strength and nourishment but also a powerful weapon against the forces of darkness. Embrace these principles, apply them in your daily life, and equip yourself for spiritual warfare through the resources mentioned. Let us walk in the victory that comes from a deep, unwavering connection with our Heavenly Father, just as David did.
Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
Healing The Brokenhearted
Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers
Aria's Testimony:
Aria is from Greece. She shared that she has struggled with feelings of abandonment and not belonging her whole life. These feelings started because her father left when she was an infant. Her family told her stories that her father was unable to travel to see her because "the trains in Australia were broken."
Aria recalled a specific childhood memory of being outside her grandma's house, imagining herself as a little girl waiting in vain for her father to come. Pastor Tomlinson guided Aria to pray and bring this painful memory to Jesus. He led her to say a prayer asking Jesus to come into the memory, for help to forgive her father, and to heal her from this past abandonment.
After praying, Aria testified that she felt much lighter. Pastor Tomlinson instructed her to continue bringing painful memories to Jesus for healing. He also encouraged her to command demonic spirits influencing her to leave in Jesus' name. Aria said it was easier to feel Jesus' presence during deliverance when someone was guiding her.
Katerina's Testimony:
Katerina recently attended a Christian ministry school overseas where she was spiritually attacked by the leadership through public humiliation, false accusations, and control. She had to flee suddenly, leaving belongings behind. She said this "completely broke down her confidence" and left her feeling "so shattered."
Pastor Tomlinson empathized that the worst treatment he has received is also from Christian leaders. He assured Katerina that God allowed this difficult experience for a purpose in her life. He guided her to pray prayers of inner healing, asking Jesus to come into the painful memories, divide her soul and spirit, and heal those past wounds.
After praying, Katerina testified that she could feel Jesus removing the demonic spirits from her, though she still felt guarded. Pastor Tomlinson prayed for increased spiritual discernment for her and described visions of Jesus bringing her restoration. He encouraged her to continue using Christian inner healing prayers when needing freedom.
Carmen's Testimony:
Carmen called from China, feeling deeply hurt that her parents tried to convince doctors that she could not care for her mentally ill husband. Her husband is hospitalized. Carmen discovered a draft letter written by her father to the psychiatrist expressing these concerns.
Pastor Tomlinson validated it is very painful when our parents hurt us as adults. He guided Carmen to pray for Jesus to heal her relationships with her parents and change their hearts. Carmen prayed prayers of forgiveness towards her parents, asking Jesus to help her forgive. She testified feeling Jesus defending her and experienced emotional and spiritual relief.
Pastor Tomlinson encouraged Carmen this would be an ongoing journey of inviting Jesus to heal wounds from her parents. He guided her to continue using inner healing prayers when she feels upset or tormented. Carmen agreed she needs Jesus' help to forgive her father for constantly accusing and judging her.