The Importance of Humility in Daniel's Effective Prayer Strategy Before God's Heavenly Court
Dear friends, we have been on a journey exploring the powerful prayer principles demonstrated by the prophet Daniel. We've seen how applying his example can revolutionize our own prayer lives. Daniel's encounters in God's Heavenly Courts provide a pattern for effectively presenting our cases before the Lord and receiving breakthroughs. Today, we want to focus our attention on one foundational attitude that unlocks the rest - cultivating true heartfelt humility before God. Let's examine 5 ways Daniel modeled humility, and how we can apply them to our prayers.
1. Approaching God's Throne with Awe and Reverence
The starting point to humble prayer is recognizing the surpassing greatness and holiness of the Almighty God we come before. In Daniel 7, as Daniel witnessed the Ancient of Days seated on His flaming throne, he was overcome with awe. Daniel approached with utter reverence because he understood the magnitude of entering God's presence.
Like Daniel, we must cast off any sense of casualness or entitlement when we pray. Psalm 89:7 exhorts, "God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him." A spirit of deep awe honors the Lord. Just pondering divine truths can foster humility:
Our God sits enthroned forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16)
His ways and thoughts are infinitely higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)
To God, the nations are like a drop in the bucket (Isaiah 40:15)
Everything we have comes from God's hand (1 Chronicles 29:14)
We owe all honor, glory and power to the One on the throne (Revelation 5:13)

As we reflect on who God is, it puts our lives into proper perspective. This humility prepares our hearts as we pray.
Prayer: Lord, give me a spirit of awe and reverence as I enter your presence in prayer. Help me grasp your greatness so I may approach your throne with humility.
2. Acknowledging Our Limited Human Perspective
After Daniel witnessed the visions in Daniel 7, he was troubled and did not initially understand their meaning. His response shows humility in acknowledging the limitations of his earthly perspective compared to God's eternal vantage point.
Rather than quickly interpreting the visions, Daniel sought the Lord for wisdom. He knew the plans in God's mind far surpassed Daniel's finite understanding. As Isaiah 55:8 declares, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.”
When we admit our human perspective is incomplete, it cultivates humility. We avoid wrongly assuming we fully grasp all God is doing. Acknowledging our limited view protects us from misconstruing God's plans.
Prayer: Lord, humble me to admit that my earthly viewpoint is incomplete compared to your eternal perspective. Guard me from wrongly assuming I fully comprehend all your ways.
3. Persistently Seeking Wisdom from God
Daniel responded to his limited understanding by persistently seeking wisdom from God. Daniel 7:16 says, "I approached one of those who stood there and asked him the truth concerning all this. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of the things."
Despite being confused, Daniel persevered in asking the Lord for greater revelation. He hungered to understand the visions rightly, not settle for partial knowledge. Daniel's example reminds us that we will never grasp God's perspective on our own. We desperately need wisdom from above.

The humility to keep praying for wisdom is essential. As James 1:5 promises, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." When we persistently seek God for understanding, He rewards our humility.
Prayer: Lord, teach me to hunger for your wisdom and revelation through persistent prayer. I acknowledge I cannot understand your plans without your Spirit illuminating my mind.
4. Depending on God's Power Working Through Our Weakness
A fourth way Daniel modeled humility is by relying on God's strength to interpret the visions, rather than self-dependence. Daniel humbly stewarded the gifts he had without taking personal credit. He pointed others to God as the source of his wisdom.
Though Daniel walked closely with God, he never boasted in his spiritual maturity or abilities. This aligns with the teaching of 2 Corinthians 12:9, "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
Like Daniel, we must humble ourselves by admitting our inadequacy and asking God to display His splendor through us. He receives the glory while we get the privilege of partnering with Him.
Prayer: Lord, I acknowledge apart from you I can do nothing. I choose to rely on your grace at work within me. Glorify yourself through my weak vessel. May your power perfected in my weakness bring you praise.
5. Walking in Holiness With a Teachable Spirit
Finally, Daniel modeled true humility by maintaining a lifestyle of wholehearted obedience to God alongside a teachable spirit. Despite being a prophet, he remained open to rebuke and correction. Daniel lived out this charge from Micah 6:8, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
Though righteous, Daniel embraced accountability. He exemplified the posture from Psalm 141:5, "Let a righteous man strike me - it is a kindness; let him rebuke me - it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it." Daniel welcomed godly counsel.

As we walk uprightly yet humbly before God, we keep a pure heart to receive His wisdom. Accountability protects us from stumbling.
Prayer: Lord, help me diligently walk in righteousness with a teachable attitude. Give me humility to receive correction and reproof that keep me on the narrow path.
Daniel provides a powerful model of fervent prayer mingled with humility. Adopting his posture of reverence, acknowledgment of limitations, God-dependency, and teachability allows our prayers to flow from the right heart condition. May Daniel's example instruct us as we submit our requests to God's Heavenly Courts with humility. God promises to exalt the humble!
Heavenly Father, produce in me genuine Christlike humility that trusts you fully and honors you greatly. As I pray, help me walk in the footsteps of Daniel who approached your throne with awe. Give me wisdom, clarity, and breakthrough from your Courts as I come to you in surrender and dependence. In Jesus' name, amen.
In Summary:
Daniel's example in Daniel 7 gives 7 core strategies for engaging the Courts of Heaven effectively:
Cultivating a spirit of deep reverence, honor, and humility as we approach God's throne.
Consecrating ourselves through fasting and sacrifice to seek the Lord wholeheartedly.
Thoroughly repenting and confessing all known sins so nothing hinders our petitions.
Grounding our appeals firmly on the authority of God's Word and promises.
Persevering steadfastly in prayer until the Court releases breakthrough.
Partnering with the angelic assistance dispatched from God's throne.
Praying from a posture of wisdom, discernment, and spiritual revelation.
As we humbly and diligently apply these prayer principles, we gain greater access to the Ancient of Days and authority to see His Kingdom come on earth. Daniel's example provides the blueprint for engaging Heaven powerfully.
Now the mission is ours to put these strategies into action. May we have grace, courage, and commitment to implement them wholeheartedly unto breakthrough. The time is now to press deeper in prayer using Daniel's wise model.
In closing, I want to encourage you to keep soaring higher in your prayer life. Don't settle for mediocrity. With God's enabling strength, you can cultivate a spirit of relentless prayer that transforms your life and world. Determine today to become mighty in prayer through employing these 7 dimensions.
Daniel understood the authority God gives to those who consecrate themselves in fervent prayer and obedience. May we walk in his footsteps, unlocking spiritual treasures stored up for those who boldly approach God's throne of grace. Press in, dear friend. The best is truly yet to come as we embrace new levels of strategic prayer!
Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers
Lesley was really struggling and reached out during the mentoring session for help. She shared that she had been under intense demonic attacks daily for a while. Negative energy was constantly pressing down on her upper back, which she knew was not the Holy Spirit. She could feel dark oppression trying to stop her from learning and hearing God. Lesley's family life was also under siege, with arguments and her pets nearly attacking each other.
As Pastor Tomlinson prayed deliverance over Lesley, she felt an opening in her left ear that had been completely blocked. He walked her through the inner healing process to get to the root issues. After persistently seeking God's wisdom in the Heavenly Courtroom, Lesley heard Jesus reveal a doorway of sexual sin from a month prior. Though difficult, Lesley confessed, repented and asked Jesus to forgive her and testify on her behalf before the Judge. In that moment, she felt the wind of the Holy Spirit blow by and a release of God's peace in her heart. The demonic blockade lifted.
While more inner work remains for Lesley regarding addiction issues, she experienced Jesus meet her powerfully that day. By walking through the courts of Heaven protocol, Pastor Tomlinson equipped Lesley to keep persevering for total freedom. She learned how to rebuke demons, present her case before God's throne, receive healing and closure from Jesus Himself. This firsthand encounter stirred her faith to keep seeking breakthrough.
Practical Application
Engaging the Courts of Heaven is an incredibly practical spiritual strategy for believers. While the concept may sound theoretical, it is meant to be put into daily practice. Pastor Tomlinson's training provides tangible keys people can immediately implement to experience breakthrough.
Below are practical applications from the mentoring that anyone can begin putting into action:
- Set aside regular time to specifically approach God's throne and present your case before Him. Bring your appeals and petitions to the Heavenly Courtroom.
- Cultivate true reverence, honor and humility as you come before the Lord. Reflect on God's surpassing greatness compared to our humanity.
- Be persistent in seeking God for breakthrough, even if answers do not come quickly. Continue appealing your case before Him like the persistent widow in Luke 18.
- Follow a protocol to rightly present your case, such as the 7 steps covered: consecrate through fasting/sacrifice, repent of sin, pray Scripture, persevere, partner with angels, gain spiritual revelation, and approach in humility.
- Receive healing for brokenhearted issues and pain from your past as they surface during the Courtroom process. Inner healing is key to lasting freedom.
- Learn to hear God's voice with clarity. Steward spiritual gifts humbly. Rely on His wisdom, not self-dependence.
- Implement deliverance and self-inner healing in tandem with engaging the Courts of Heaven for breakthrough. These complimentary strategies together unlock freedom.
- Share your testimonies of God's breakthrough to stir others' faith. Partner with believers for agreement in prayer.
Common challenges and advice for cultivating humility in prayer
Cultivating true humility before God in prayer can be very difficult. Our human nature often struggles to adopt a posture of reverence and honor towards the Lord. Here are some common challenges that arise, along with advice for overcoming them:
Distraction - Our minds often wander and struggle to focus during prayer. Seeking to minimize distractions and foster an environment conducive to worship is crucial. Put away phones/devices and set prayer time aside without multi-tasking.
Pride - Pride can subtly creep in, causing us to feel entitled in approaching God, feel we deserve answers, or think highly of our maturity. Regularly reflecting on who God is in His grandeur and majesty combats pride.
Impatience - When answers don't come quickly, impatience can take root, causing frustration with God or giving up on prayer. Remembering that God's timing is perfect and His ways higher than ours helps us persevere.
Sin - Unconfessed sin hinders our prayers and erects a barrier in drawing close to God. Maintaining a short account with God through regular repentance is key.
Self-focus - Our prayers can become too consumed with our own desires versus seeking God's heart and will. Fixing our eyes on Jesus and surrendering our will to His realigns our focus.
By giving more time to spiritual preparation like praise and repentance, pondering God's Word, confessing pride/impatience, and asking the Spirit to cultivate humility, we can overcome these roadblocks. Our posture before God matters greatly.
Dear reader, as we have explored the vital role of humility in prayer, I hope you have been inspired to evaluate your own prayer life. Do you approach God with a posture of true reverence and honor? Or has familiarity and pride subtly crept in? I challenge you today to take tangible steps to renew your humility before the Lord.
First, set aside time to prepare your heart by reflecting on God's surpassing greatness, mercy and majesty. Open your Bible and soak in His divine attributes. Ask the Holy Spirit to instill fresh awe at who God is.
Next, examine any areas of known sin and repent. Allow the Spirit to search your heart and reveal any pride. Forgive those who have offended you. Deal with any inner issues that could block intimacy with God.
Finally, incorporate more worship and humility into your prayer times. Use prayers and Scriptures from this article. Journal ways you experienced God's presence. Persevere for breakthrough with renewed dependence on the Lord.
I pray this has equipped you to revitalize your prayer life with deeper humility. Please share your experiences with me and other readers. Together, we can help one another cultivate a right heart posture before God's throne of grace. May your life be enriched as your humility ushers in fresh revelation from Heaven!
Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
Healing The Brokenhearted
Thank u Timothy for teaching me how to heal n deliver ppl I feel its what I’m called to do but I jus got to study n remember everything i learn n to let the holy spirit guide me … yesterday at Burger King awh i seen this guy fixing his bike outside BK n I said hi cuz he said hi first n I jus felt boldness n like a tug in my spirit but as soon as I walked in BK Awh there was a homeless guy eating a can of sardines n then i asked him if I could buy him food n he said yeah so I ordered n the cashier gave me an extra cup…