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The Overcomer's Guide: Spiritual Warfare 101

Spiritual Warfare 101: A Believer's Guide to Overcoming: Replay 08/08/2023

Spiritual warfare is a constant reality for Christians. We have a very real enemy in Satan and demonic spirits who oppose God's plans and seek to destroy our lives. But the good news is that through Jesus Christ, we have been given authority and power to overcome every attack of the enemy! In this blog post, we will cover the basics of spiritual warfare, equipping ourselves with truth, and learning practical strategies to walk in victory through the authority of Christ.

Spiritual Warfare Training through Self Inner Healing Worksheet
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Understanding Spiritual Warfare

To start overcoming spiritual opposition, we first need to understand where this warfare originates. The source of all spiritual battles is Satan himself, along with the army of demonic spirits who follow him (Revelation 12:7-9).

Satan is a fallen angel who rebelled against God’s authority due to pride and ambition. When Satan convinced other angels to join his rebellion, they were all cast out of heaven (Revelation 12:7-9). These fallen angels became demons - evil spirits operating under Satan's direction who now serve to carry out his schemes.

Understanding Spiritual Warfare

Demons employ tactics of deception, temptation, oppression, accusation, and possession to hinder people from God's truth and plan. This is the root of the spiritual attacks believers encounter. But praise God - while demons wage war through spiritual assaults, their final destiny is sealed. Revelation 20 tells us they will ultimately be thrown into the lake of fire forever. As Christians, we can walk in the victory and authority Jesus Christ accomplished for us through his finished work on the cross.

The Believer's Authority in Christ

A vital truth to grasp is the supreme authority Jesus has given every single believer. Luke 10:19 tells us Jesus has delegated authority to His followers to trample on snakes and scorpions, representing demonic spirits. Colossians 1:13 declares God “has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.”

The Believer's Authority in Christ

As believers, we have been transferred out of Satan’s realm and into the kingdom of Christ (Colossians 1:13). This means that through the power of Jesus’ name and submission to God, we have been given dominion over all the works of the devil (Luke 10:19). Jesus Christ Himself is our ultimate Deliverer and Protector. As we abide in Him, resisting the devil, we can walk in victory over every scheme of the enemy (James 4:7). The battle belongs to the Lord!

Putting on the Armor of God

A major arena of spiritual warfare is in our minds. Demons will try injecting thoughts of condemnation, fear, anxiety, lust, confusion, and more. A vital way we stand against these mental assaults is by daily putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Ephesians 6 outlines the spiritual armor God has provided, including:

- The belt of truth – Knowing God’s Word stops lies in their tracks.

- The breastplate of righteousness – Living rightly guards our hearts from condemnation.

- The gospel of peace shoes – Remembering our righteousness in Christ dispels fear.

- The shield of faith – Unwavering trust in God extinguishes the enemy’s attacks.

- The helmet of salvation – Confidence in eternal security protects our minds.

- The sword of the Spirit – God’s Word drives back the forces of darkness.

Putting on the Armor of God

We “put on” this armor each day through time in prayer and Scripture, asking the Spirit to renew our minds and cover us (Romans 12:2, Ephesians 6:18). We can also pray through each piece, intentionally clothing ourselves in its protection until it becomes our automatic response. Equipped with the armor of God, we stand firm against every demonic assault.

Practical Strategies for Resisting Spiritual Attacks

Along with the armor of God, Scripture gives practical action steps to actively resist enemy attacks:

Practical Strategies for Resisting Spiritual Attacks

1. Flee from Sin and Eliminate Footholds

Carefully examine your life and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of unconfessed sin, bitterness, greed, pride, or compromise (Psalm 139:23-24). These footholds give the enemy access, so repent and receive God’s cleansing (1 John 1:9). Be vigilant in fleeing from sin and temptation by the Spirit’s power (1 Corinthians 10:13), eliminating anything that exposes you to spiritual darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Consistent resistance shuts off the enemy’s entry points (James 4:7).

2. Reject Demonic Thoughts Immediately

Recognize demonic thoughts immediately and reject them, taking them captive to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Refuse to entertain blasphemous, condemning, confusing, or tormenting thoughts. Counter them with God’s truth spoken aloud in faith (Ephesians 6:17). Affirm your acceptance in Christ and take authority over mental assaults in Jesus’ name (Romans 8:1, Luke 10:19).

3. Counter Lies with Scripture

When the enemy whispers lies, accusations, or distortions of truth, counter them immediately with applicable verses spoken aloud in declaration (Psalm 119:9-11). Let God’s Word demolish arguments and destroy strongholds raised against the knowledge of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Key verses include Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 23:4, Romans 8:1, and Ephesians 1:6.

4. Bring Everything to God in Persistent Prayer

Come boldly and persistently to God’s throne of grace in prayer when facing spiritual opposition (Hebrews 4:16). Ask for discernment, protection, strength, and help (James 1:5, Psalm 28:7). Surround yourself with other believers to pray with you and provide support (Matthew 18:19-20). Our faithful God loves fighting for us (Exodus 14:14)!

5. Use Praise and Worship as a Spiritual Weapon

Singing praises to God fills the atmosphere with His glory and power (Psalm 100:4). Demons cannot withstand being in God’s presence, so focused worship and praise drives them away (Psalm 22:3). Listen to worship music and soak in the Psalms when under spiritual attack to cultivate an environment demons cannot inhabit (Psalm 34:1-3).

6. Exercise Jesus’ Authority Over Spirits

Directly address demonic spirits out loud as the Holy Spirit leads, commanding them to leave in Jesus’ all-powerful name (Luke 10:17). They must obey Christ’s authority. Take authority over spirits of addiction, pride, fear, etc. and continue rebuking until they flee (Mark 16:17, James 4:7). Through Christ you have dominion, so never back down!

7. Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Christ

In all aspects of spiritual warfare, we must stay focused on Jesus Christ. He is our ultimate Deliverer and Protection. We only overcome the enemy’s attacks through His power at work within us (2 Corinthians 12:9). Keep your vision centered on Christ (Hebrews 12:2). Run to Him immediately when spiritual battles arise (Psalm 61:2). Fill your heart and mind with His living Word daily (Joshua 1:8). Walk in holiness by the enablement of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). Come under the cover of His authority and victory always (Romans 8:37).

 7. Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Christ

With Christ fighting for us, we cannot be defeated! His power provides all we need to walk in victory over every spiritual battle (1 John 4:4). Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, church. He has already won the war!


Spiritual warfare is a sobering reality, but praise God we are not left defenseless. Through Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross, we have inherited supernatural authority over every demonic attack (Luke 10:19). As believers, we can confidently resist the devil’s schemes (James 4:7), take up the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), and employ practical Biblical strategies to overcome. By keeping our focus centered on Jesus Christ and His Word (Hebrews 12:2), we walk in the victory He has already purchased for us (1 Corinthians 15:57). We are empowered to stand strong and continue advancing His Kingdom every day!

Spiritual Warfare Training through Self Inner Healing Worksheet
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Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers:

During our weekly deliverance service, I had the blessing of ministering to two hurting people seeking inner healing and freedom in Christ.

Carmen bravely volunteered to walk through the steps of healing prayer. With a quiet sadness in her voice, she brought up a traumatic memory from her youth. When Carmen was just 18, she was manipulated and date raped by a man she had just met. I could see this experience still troubled her heart deeply, like an open wound.

We entered into prayer together. I guided Carmen to call upon the name and authority of Jesus, dividing her soul and spirit, according to Hebrews 4:12. She asked the Lord Jesus to heal and restore this broken part of herself. Then Carmen chose to release her violator through forgiveness. Just as Jesus prayed from the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34), Carmen forgave the man who had so grievously sinned against her.

We lingered together in silent prayer, waiting patiently for Jesus to give Carmen a confirmation that He was indeed healing her shattered heart. After some time, she shared that a new sense of peace had come over her, and she felt ready to move forward. Praise God!

Later, I ministered to Amanda, who had long struggled with feelings of loneliness and rejection. She had experienced much hurt and abandonment in her life. Together, following the steps of healing prayer, we invited Jesus into Amanda's pain. She forgave those who had wounded her so deeply.

As we waited quietly on the Lord, He gave Amanda a beautiful vision. She saw Jesus as the good shepherd, tenderly carrying a lost lamb in His arms. The lamb represented her. Jesus spoke gently to the lamb, “You are not alone anymore. I am always with you and I will never leave you.” Amanda was deeply moved by this encouraging vision, feeling Christ’s intimate love and care for her.

I am humbled to witness Jesus bringing such profound healing and restoration through these volunteer sessions. He faithfully meets us in our broken and wounded places, and makes us whole through His great love. I eagerly look forward to seeing more people find freedom in Christ as we continue these services. To God alone be all glory and praise!

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