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Theft, Robbery and Spiritual Strongholds: Justice and Mercy for Restoration Replay 08-15-2023

Spiritual Warfare Training through Self Inner Healing Worksheet
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Justice and Mercy in the Courts of Heaven: Reclaiming What the Enemy Has Stolen

In ancient times, theft and robbery demanded harsh consequences. The Old Testament law spelled out severe penalties to enforce justice. While upholding righteousness, such rigid sentences offered little room for mercy and redemption.

But thank God, everything changed when Jesus came! Through Christ's sacrifice, we now can approach God directly and experience His grace. The Courts of Heaven beautifully blend justice and mercy, restoring what the devil stole.

Theft and Justice in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, theft was serious business. Exodus 22 details strict laws demanding repayment and fines for stealing. If livestock was taken, the sentencing was severe. For example, the theft of 4 oxen meant repaying 5 oxen extra - a stiff penalty to discourage crime. While this extreme restitution ensured justice, it allowed little chance for mercy (Exodus 22:1-9).

Beyond individual theft, the Law condemned robbery by groups. Bandits and thieves faced dire consequences like exile or even execution for their crimes. But Leviticus 6:1-7 made allowance for repentance and amends even in such cases. If robbers admitted their wrong and repaid what was stolen, adding 20% interest, they found grace. However, refusing to confess guilt often brought about complete destruction, as in Zechariah 5:3-4. This passage vividly describes how seriously God took theft and deception, allowing it to utterly consume even the house of the offender (Leviticus 6:1-7, Zechariah 5:3-4).

While upholding justice, the Law lacked remedy for those who felt robbed supernaturally. In ancient times, many believed curses, sorcery or demons could steal one's fortune, health or sanity. But the Mosaic Law prohibited these practices without directly addressing the spiritual theft they were thought to produce. Occult forces greatly displease God, as seen when Moses counters Pharaoh's sorcerers or when King Saul is rebuked for consulting a medium. The Law strictly forbade all witchcraft, divination and necromancy as dangerous distortions of God’s true power and presence (Exodus 7:11, 8:7, 9:11, Leviticus 19:26, 20:6, Deuteronomy 18:9-14, 1 Samuel 28, 1 Chronicles 10:13-14).

Yet while exposing spiritual wickedness, the Old Covenant provided limited recourse for those tormented by it. Rules and rituals distanced the Hebrew people from God's presence and compassion. Without a Savior, lawbreakers faced condemnation more than redemption. But praise God, Jesus initiated a better covenant founded on grace!

Approaching the Throne in the New Covenant

With Christ, everything changes! His atoning sacrifice welcomes us directly into God’s presence. Now we can boldly approach the throne and find mercy in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16). No longer separated by sin, we become members of God’s own household (Ephesians 2:19). Jesus is the merciful high priest who sympathetically intercedes for us (Hebrews 2:17).

The Courts of Heaven integrate Old Testament justice with New Testament hope and forgiveness. Though we were once far off, now in Christ we are brought near to God (Ephesians 2:13). Jesus is our advocate who cleanses us from sin and secures our acceptance (1 John 2:1-2). His blood purifies our consciences and grants unhindered access to the Father (Hebrews 9:14, 10:19-22).

So we can come before Him with boldness and confidence! Present your case humbly yet expectantly. Keep praying persistently as the New Testament urges, knowing God hears and will respond (Luke 18:1-8, Matthew 7:7-8). Trust that His mercy triumphs over the letter of the law (James 2:13). In the Courts of Heaven, righteousness and peace kiss as justice and mercy beautifully intersect (Psalm 85:10). Breakthrough awaits as you call upon your compassionate Father!

Regaining What the Enemy Stole

Just as people in ancient days felt robbed by spiritual forces, many today feel something precious has been taken from them supernaturally. Generational curses, occult soul ties, and demonic strongholds can steal blessings, health, finances, and more if we grant them legal access. Like Job, the enemy aims to kill, steal, and destroy when given an opening (Job 1-2, John 10:10).

But take courage! Through Jesus, we can shut every door and regain all the devil stole. Don't let dark spiritual theft go unchallenged. Bring your case boldly before the Courts of Heaven!

Start by thoroughly repenting of any personal or generational involvement with the occult, renouncing it completely. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal roots giving the enemy access. Present your petition, appealing to God’s justice. Provide records of when and how you believe the adversary encroached. State your desire to walk in freedom and wholeness through Christ.

For example, pray:

“Your Honor, I come before you today regarding illegal spiritual theft in my life. Through generational occult ties, the enemy has stolen my health, finances, and peace. I renounce all of this fully. I repent for dabbling in witchcraft as a teenager which opened the door to darkness. I ask Your forgiveness and restoration through the blood of Jesus.”

Next, invite Jesus to advocate for you.

“Lord Jesus, please testify for me before the Heavenly Father regarding this case. Represent me and secure a verdict of breakthrough and favor for my life. Confirm that this issue is fully resolved by the power of Your redemption. Show me any other related areas that need to be addressed so I can repent and shut every entrance of the enemy. When all legal grounds are removed, declare I am free indeed! I trust You to release your healing into me.”

Finally, petition the Court to revoke the devil’s privileges and reclaim your spiritual inheritance. Boldly call for divine justice!

“I ask the Court to cancel all satanic decrees made against me. Revoke all the enemy’s legal rights based on Jesus’ shed blood on my behalf. I petition for full restoration of everything he has stolen in my life and bloodline. Empower me to walk in freedom and authority as Your child. Thank You for Your justice and mercy in Yeshua’s name, amen!”

Trust God to grant breakthrough as you present your appeal. Jesus promises abundant life while the enemy aims only to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). But God’s perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). Abide in Christ, and no weapon formed against you can prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Through intimacy with Him, you will regain all the devil stole and more. Resist the enemy so he must flee (James 4:7). Rise up boldly and receive your inheritance in the Courts of Heaven!

The Way of Mercy

The Courts of Heaven offer so much more than rigid justice. Yes, God still hates sin and confronts darkness. But thanks to Jesus, judgment now leads to redemption. We serve a Father eager to grant mercy to all who turn to Him.

Come in humility, acknowledging your need. Confess fully, holding nothing back. Receive His forgiveness and cleansing like a flood washing over you. He remembers your sins no more - they are removed as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12).

Repentance activates mercy. The Father runs to meet you, embracing you with joy as you come home (Luke 15:11-32). He pours out grace and restoration, repeating the invitation, “Come!” (Revelation 22:17). Justice and mercy kiss in the Courts of Heaven (Psalm 85:10).

So approach boldly, yet gently. Bring your cares and indictments, but also linger to experience His goodness. Forgiveness is now, breakthrough awaits. God's gavel sounds announcing, "Case dismissed!" as Jesus speaks on your behalf. You are free, redeemed, and restored. Enter in!

Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers:

During our weekly mentoring class, I was blessed to minister to two people hurting and needing freedom in Jesus. Though they faced hard things, they came open to meet the Lord. It's an honor to guide people to Jesus' healing and see His power change lives as they boldly go before God's throne of grace.

Amy's Testimony:

Amy reached out during the mentorship session, sharing that she has been struggling with ongoing marital issues. She described feeling hurt by trails and betrayed, which led to anger building up inside. This woundedness was making it difficult for her marriage to be restored. Amy decided to come before the Courts of Heaven for help, wanting freedom and complete restoration.

Pastor Timothy first had Amy bring up a painful memory from the past that needed inner healing. As she recounted her husband's harsh words that cut deeply, Timothy led her through an interactive prayer to bring this brokenness before Jesus. Amy called upon the Lord's name and authority, asking Him to heal and restore this part of her. She chose to forgive her husband, then invited Jesus to minister and confirm His redemption.

Immediately, Amy testified feeling lighter, with the pain taken away. Jesus had come to heal her broken heart and set her free! Timothy instructed Amy to rebuke the enemy's hold over this memory and thank Jesus for the victory. With this foundation of inner healing laid, they proceeded to the Courts of Heaven for her marriage.

Presenting her petition for restoration, Amy repented of generational witchcraft giving the enemy access. As Timothy interceded, Jesus shared His testimony on Amy's behalf. His presence overwhelmed her, confirming the verdict was favorable. Two "not guilty" rulings from the Courts produced amazing freedom for Amy! Though more work remains, she can boldly approach the throne of grace knowing Jesus hears her case. Amy left encouraged that breakthrough in her marriage is coming as God's justice and mercy powerfully unite.

Penny's Testimony:

Penny has suffered severe physical attacks from the enemy for years. Ongoing oppression and torment led her to reach out for deliverance. Through the Courts of Heaven, she hoped to finally gain complete freedom.

Timothy first prayed for the Lord to reveal any open doors granting the enemy legal rights. As Penny repented of generational occult ties and past activities like using a Ouija board, the Holy Spirit highlighted issues. Next, they went through inner healing together. Penny forgave those who had hurt her, including family members. She asked Jesus to speak, minister and restore her. Immediately she felt His compassionate touch.

With Penny's heart prepared through inner healing, Timothy guided her into the Courts of Heaven. He interceded as she repented of the doors she had opened. Penny invited Jesus to advocate for her case and bring a favorable verdict. His presence overwhelmed her! She physically felt Him place His hand upon her shoulder. An amazing double "not guilty" ruling freed Penny from the enemy's accusations.

Though battling this oppression for years, Penny gained remarkable breakthrough in minutes. Jesus tangibly healed her pain and confirmed His victory. She left the Courts empowered and full of praise, ready to walk in the authority and wholeness Christ provided. What Satan meant for evil, God powerfully overturned for His glory and Penny's good!

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