True Disciples and Solid Foundations: Living the Teachings of Matthew 7
This is our Blog for Wednesday Night LIVE Group Deliverance on May 1st, 2024…I hope you enjoy!!!
This month, we are finishing up our study of Matthew Chapter 7. In verses 15-24, Jesus gives us some important lessons to think about. He talks about "The Tree and Its Fruit," "True Disciples," and "Building on a Solid Foundation." He teaches us how to tell if someone has real faith and how to know if they’re trustworthy or not. I said last time that everything comes back around; well here we go again: these teachings are all about living right with people treating them as you would want them (or any other person) treating you. If you don’t know what’s best for your neighbor, then ask God – He knows! Remember this when making decisions because it will keep You safe forevermore!!! So anyway… Jesus uses a lot of comparisons at the end of this chapter which can help us understand better where leaders’ hearts are at spiritually and whether or not their teachings have any substance behind them. In conclusion to our study on Matthew Chapter Seven this week I would like to draw attention towards three key points made by Christ in verse numbers fifteen through twenty-four “The Tree And Its Fruits”, “True Discipleship.”
The Tree and Its Fruit
Jesus taught about how to recognize good and bad spiritual leaders, as well as how to deal with them in a relationship context using an analogy of people being like trees in Matthew 7:15-20. He gives clear ways on differentiating between true and false prophets – those who point us towards spiritual truth vis-a-vis those leading us astray. By saying that individuals are similar to plants while deeds resemble fruits Jesus offers an easy test of honesty for each person we come across. Not only does this approach protect from lies but also shows that it is necessary for one to bear good fruits if he wants others to believe his words or trust him spiritually.

The metaphor teaches us how to be wise in our decisions regarding whom we should trust and follow. In other words, no one can expect spiritual enrichment from persons lacking moral values just like nobody can gather grapes off thorns or figs off thistles (v16). This means that as Christians, we need not judge people by what they say but rather by what they do because actions speak louder than words especially when dealing with God's truth. Therefore, while living within such a superficial world where many may disguise themselves under attractive appearances coupled with eloquent speeches aimed at misleading others into error; let us always remember this principle lest we compromise everything else out there which could cost us eternal life beside Christ Himself being our Savior whom alone ought all praises forevermore! Also, Jesus warns severe punishment awaits anyone who fails produce good fruit through comparison between useless tree cut down thrown into fire describing terrible consequences awaiting those who lead or live falsely (vv17-19).
This teaching demands that individuals live up-to the commandments of God and hold each other accountable for their actions hence underlining importance spiritual direction within community setting
True Disciples
Matthew 7:21-23 is where Jesus talks about what it really means to be a disciple and belong in the Kingdom of Heaven. He says that not everyone who calls him “Lord” will enter heaven, but only those who do the will of his Father. This teaching tells people to evaluate themselves spiritually rather than just talking about their faith. They should live it out more seriously. True discipleship, according to Jesus, involves doing what God wants from us; it’s not enough saying we believe certain things without corresponding actions.
Also, He points out that one can perform great wonders like prophesying or casting out demons and still miss living right with God; all such acts must be rooted in loyalty towards divine commands for them to be genuine expressions of followership. After all, miracles don’t matter but obedience does. This shows that there can be no spiritual life worth its salt which is based on anything else other than obedience to God’s word in ordinary things rather than mere exhibition of extraordinary powers since this will help differentiate between real saints and fake ones.

Lastly, he warns against using His name while breaking His laws saying, “I never knew you; depart from me all ye workers of iniquity.” The warning here is that looking good externally is not enough because we need to be true inside ourselves too; otherwise, it would only lead into deeper deception within our hearts before others, thereby safeguarding the Christian community from false teachings and hypocritical behaviors which ought to make each believer ever conscious of whether his thoughts incarnate what God expects always. Through this lesson, Christ gives a clear indication of how best discipleship should look like by compelling adherents to ensure their deeds are continually guided by God's principles. Such a move helps foster personal growth towards faith integrity, therefore making one's spiritual journey vibrant and even more meaningful.
Building on a Solid Foundation
To underscore the necessity of establishing a firm foundation for our lives, Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7. He likens obeying His words to building a house on a rock, which will keep that structure steady throughout. That solid rock represents changeless truths and heavenly principles capable of meeting all kinds of adversity.
The Savior’s point is that where we construct our spiritual “houses” — our lives — determines their strength and endurance, as this narrative demonstrates. In it, He mentions the foolish builder who erected his house upon sand as well. This just serves as an example of what happens if we disregard what He has taught us; when tempests arise, such houses fall down because they were founded on weak ground. Clearly then, sand symbolizes shallow or erroneous beliefs that cannot withstand real-life problems. Thus Jesus urges us to critically assess both our beliefs and actions before constructing them into holy edifices.

Moreover, Christ employs vivid natural pictures—torrential rainfalls accompanied by rising floods and fierce hurricanes—to represent challenges faced by everyone in this world. These “storms,” according to Him, test people’s spiritual bases; for anyone who builds upon His teachings can confront any difficulty not because it is lighter but due to having strong unshakable foundations. This aspect of His teaching emphasizes perseverance through trials based on faithfulness even unto death, thus indicating how living according to God’s laws provides an impregnable fortress against vicissitudes surrounding human existence.
As we conclude our study of Matthew Chapter 7, examining Jesus' insightful teachings from verses 15-24, we gain a strategic blueprint for our spiritual journeys. This guidance—ranging from discerning true versus false influences in "The Tree and Its Fruit," recognizing genuine commitment in "True Disciples," to embracing the steadfast stability taught in "Building on a Solid Foundation"—offers a comprehensive framework for cultivating a resilient and genuine faith. These teachings challenge us to transcend mere verbal expressions of faith, urging us to demonstrate our beliefs through consistent actions that align with God's will. By adopting these principles, we not only nurture our growth in faith but also strengthen our resilience against life's challenges, establishing a spiritual foundation that is deeply rooted in the timeless wisdom of Christ.
That is why we made this Free Online Course On Spiritual Warfare & Self Inner Healing.
Our online training has been crafted in such a manner that it will help discover your true identity by connecting deeply with Jesus Christ as both Savior and loving Father; empowering individuals towards overcoming emotional wounds caused by battles fought in the spirit realm. These lessons take form of videos delivered through interactive videos, weekly support services, supplemented with support materials for further understanding – equipping learners not only in breaking down satanic strongholds erected within various stages of our lives, but also attaining deeper inner healing so as to better enjoy their relationship with God. Such a journey of change requires pastors to work as a team and share their wisdom. This will help others to find true completeness in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The fight between good and evil is a real thing. We have to deal with things that hurt us in the past, as well as trauma, emotional overloads such as anxiety, depression, or even hopelessness which could be termed as PTSD. If we do not know Jesus Christ and what He has taught us about trusting Him with all our hearts, we will get lost sooner or later while living here on earth.
Sometimes it’s necessary for someone else to show us how something is done. Participate in the training today, it's free. Be intentional with your prayer and take steps towards your deliverance.
Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
Healing The Brokenhearted
A Journey of Healing: Felecia Van’s Testimony at the Wednesday Night Service
On the evening of May 1st, 2024, something special happened at the Wednesday Night Service. This service was all about Christian inner healing and deliverance. Pastor Timothy Tomlinson was in charge, and he made sure everyone felt supported and cared for. Among the people there, Felecia Van's story really stood out. She courageously shared her tough battle with spiritual troubles that were linked to satanic ritual abuse.
Felecia talked about the intense and scary experiences she went through, including physical discomfort and a constant sense of spiritual darkness. These experiences deeply affected her everyday life, filling it with fear and sadness. Pastor Timothy listened to her with great understanding and came up with a clear plan to help her heal spiritually.
He helped Felecia through a detailed prayer session, highlighting how important it is to forgive in order to let go of past hurts. They prayed together to close any spiritual openings that might have been created accidentally and asked Jesus to break any curses or spiritual attacks. Felecia was encouraged to let go of her burdens and seek God's help in her healing.
As the session went on, Felecia began to feel a real change. She felt peace and relief as Pastor Timothy and the group prayed together. The Holy Spirit seemed to fill the room, bringing everyone closer and filling them with hope. Felecia's healing reached a peak when she felt like a heavy load had been lifted from her shoulders.
Felecia's openness and her steps towards healing had a big effect on everyone there. Pastor Timothy's guidance, based on the Bible, helped everyone understand how faith, forgiveness, and community support are crucial in overcoming serious spiritual problems.
Felecia's story at the Wednesday Night Service reminds everyone of the powerful role of faith and the strength of a supportive community. Her healing journey, led by Pastor Timothy and fueled by everyone's prayers, shows the amazing things that can happen when people come together to seek God's help. Felecia's bravery and progress offer hope and inspiration to others facing similar issues, proving that healing and recovery are possible with faith and determination.
References to Additional Resources:
YouVersion ( YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. It’s through these experiences we create opportunities fit for anyone’s daily routine, ultimately helping them form a spiritually-rich rhythm of seeking God intimately.
Online Courses
"Spiritual Warfare Training through Inner Healing": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a free online Christian training program designed to help individuals find inner healing and freedom through prayer and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
"Self Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Training": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson is a online Christian training program that provides guidance on how to heal the wounded parts of your soul, overcome demonic oppression, and address emotional distress, all in the name of Jesus.
"The Daniel Prayer Playbook": Offered by Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, the online Christian training program provides guidance on how to approach Jesus as a friend, father, and judge, enabling participants to gain freedom from the enemy and experience healing through accessing the Mercy Court of Heaven.