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Calling Upon the Lord - 7 Steps from David for Spiritual Breakthrough

The Overcomer's Guide: Calling Upon the Lord - 7 Steps from David for Spiritual Breakthrough

Replay of Free Deliverance Service 09/19/2023

Beloved saints, grace and peace to you in Christ's mighty name. We continue our series unmasking King David's battle-tested secrets for overcoming spiritual warfare. Last week we explored the essential practice of calling upon the Lord in times of crisis. Today I want to dig deeper into David's example of actively resisting the devil through determined faith until all enemies are subdued under our feet.

Scripture repeatedly commands believers not to be passive when besieged by demonic powers, but to take up our spiritual weapons and resist until the forces of darkness flee. James 4:7 promises: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." And 1 Peter 5:8-9 warns us: "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith."

David modeled a tenacious, proactive approach against spiritual enemies. He refused to yield ground or be paralyzed by fear. Through the anointing and authority given him as God's servant, David aggressively confronted every devilish threat until he emerged victorious.

David testified in Psalm 18:37-39 - "I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. I crushed them so that they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet. You armed me with strength for battle; you humbled my adversaries before me."

Beloved, we must embrace a similar mindset, realizing the devil prowls seeking victims to devour through tactics of intimidation and deception. Rather than being passive, we are called to aggressively resist every demonic assignment against us.

Today I want to examine 7 practical ways David modeled active resistance against the forces of darkness that we can apply. As we implement these steps diligently through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will walk in greater spiritual authority to subdue the enemy under our feet through Christ.

Spiritual Warfare Training through Self Inner Healing Worksheet
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Step 1: Take Up the Armor of God Daily

First, David prepared himself to resist spiritual attacks by consistently utilizing the armor of God provided in Scripture. He wrote in Psalm 28:7 - "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me."

Likewise, we must take time to put on the full armor of God daily as Ephesians 6 instructs, praying over each element to be girded with truth, righteousness, gospel readiness, faith, salvation and the Word to defend against deception. The enemy looks for gaps in our armor to exploit, so we must be intentional about securing all areas. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any area of weakness or compromise needing confessed and strengthened.

Heavenly Father, I come before You today, asking You to help me put on the full armor of God according to Ephesians 6. Help me fasten the belt of truth around my waist, the breastplate of righteousness upon my chest, and shoes of the gospel of peace upon my feet. I ask You to strengthen me to take up the shield of faith and helmet of salvation to protect my mind and emotions from the enemies lies and accusations. Holy Spirit, enlighten me through Your Word and grant me wisdom, revelation and discernment to recognize and resist the devil's schemes. I ask these things in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Step 2: Fill Your Heart with Scripture

Second, David regularly filled his heart with scriptures about God's promises, his identity in Christ, and spiritual protection against the devil's devices.

Psalm 119 reveals how he treasured God's Word in his innermost being, constantly speaking it aloud. Memorizing key verses provides ammunition for the sword of the Spirit to sever the enemy's lies and drive back his assault. As we renew our minds with truth daily, the enemy's twisting of Scripture loses its power.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the power and protection of Your Word against demonic deception and attacks. Help me today to fill my heart with Scripture, hide Your Word in my innermost being, and constantly speak it aloud as David did. Give me wisdom regarding key verses to memorize as ammunition for the sword of the Spirit to demolish the lies and accusations of the enemy in Jesus' name. Let Your truth renew my mind and guard my thoughts. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Step 3: Reject Condemning Voices

Furthermore, David actively resisted demonic voices attempting to instill anxiety, fear or self-condemnation. In Psalm 42:5 he proclaimed to his soul - "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."

We must reject false narratives and accusations from the enemy, taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. Renew your mind with the truth of who you are in Christ. The blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from guilt. Do not believe the Father is against you!

Lord Jesus, I come to You today rejecting all condemning thoughts and voices from the enemy seeking to overwhelm my soul with anxiety, fear, and false guilt. I take every thought captive and make it obedient to Your truth. I proclaim that I am forgiven and accepted through Your shed blood. Help me renew my mind to walk in the freedom and righteousness You purchased for me. Silence all demonic accusations in Your mighty name. You are for me, not against me! Amen.

Step 4: Command Spirits to Flee

Fourth, David exercised his authority in Christ to command tormenting spirits to depart from him immediately.

In 1 Samuel 16:23, an evil spirit that was troubling Saul fled when David played the harp and sang praises. The anointing and fervent praise released God's delivering power.

Likewise, we can resist demonic oppression by boldly rebuking dark spirits in Jesus' name, cutting off their assignments and commanding them to go. Believer's authority makes the forces of hell tremble and flee. Do not tolerate demons' harassment! Send them packing through faith in Christ's finished work.

Heavenly Father, I come before You in the authority given to me through Christ Jesus and command every demonic spirit harassing or oppressing me to immediately depart and go to the feet of Jesus. By faith in the power of the cross and Christ's finished work, I cut off all demonic assignments against me now, in Jesus' mighty name. Thank You for the authority to subdue demonic powers. I will not tolerate harassment but will insist all enemies flee at the name of Jesus, my Deliverer!

Step 5: Refuse to Give Place to Fear

Additionally, David made a conscious choice not to yield any ground to fear in the heat of battle or stormy trials.

Psalm 56:3-4 declares how David strengthened himself in the Lord when afraid - "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid."

By preaching truth to our fearful thoughts and fixing our eyes on Christ, we deny fear's paralyzing influence. Though enemies surround, we confidently declare "God is my rock and salvation." Take authority over that spirit of fear in the name of Jesus!

Lord Jesus, when anxious thoughts and fear seek to overwhelm my mind and heart, I choose to reject them. I will preach truth to my soul - that You are my rock and shield against all enemies. As David did, I declare "I will not be afraid!" because my trust is wholly in You. Thank You for authority over fear through Your matchless name. I command all terror and anxiety to bow its knee to the Prince of Peace right now!

Step 6: Meditate on God's Sovereignty and Goodness

David also combated spiritual oppression by regularly meditating on the Almighty God's complete sovereignty, goodness and faithfulness.

Psalm 73 reveals how David overcame envy by entering God's presence and considering His supremacy. He declared in verse 28 - "But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge."

Standing on such truths crushes demonic strongholds in our minds and dethrones the enemies' lies. Our Deliverer is mightier than anything aligned against us. Fixate on His greatness rather than the insignificant speck harassing you.

Lord Jesus, in times of spiritual oppression and attack, I choose to set my mind and heart wholly on Your limitless power and unfailing love. Like David, I declare "It is good for me to draw near to God!" - my Sovereign Refuge and Fortress. As I meditate on Your greatness, supremacy and proven faithfulness, demonic strongholds are demolished. How great and mighty is the One who defends me!

Step 7: Wait for God's Deliverance

Finally, David combated the devil's harassment by waiting in confident expectation for the Lord to act on His timing.

Psalm 62:5-6 states - "Yes, my soul, find rest in God;my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."

Resisting the enemy requires patient endurance and trust that God Who began a good work in us will complete it. He will have the final victory. Though deliverance tarries, know that God is aligning everything needed for breakthrough right on schedule!

Heavenly Father, grant me grace to wait patiently and confidently on Your perfect timing and strategy for victory, rather than demanding my preferred outcome. As I wait expectantly through seasons of warfare, contending in prayer for Your intervention, let my spiritual strength and steadfastness grow. Your timing and strategy are flawless. Thank You for being the God who is never early or late, but always acts at just the right moment!

Saints, implementing these 7 steps diligently by the Spirit's power empowers us to resist the devil forcefully until he is repelled from our lives. Walking in the light of truth, wielding Scripture, exercising spiritual authority, rejecting fear and waiting on our Deliverer results in breakthrough.

Now that we have explored key principles for resisting demonic attacks, I want to briefly highlight 3 incredible benefits that occur as we embrace a lifestyle of active resistance against evil forces through the Holy Spirit:

Benefit 1: Greater Discernment of the Enemy's Tactics

First, consistently resisting the devil helps expose his schemes so we can thwart future attacks more effectively. Each battle strengthens our discernment of how the forces of darkness operate.

David's experience fighting wild beasts as a shepherd prepared him to confront more dangerous demonized enemies like Goliath with boldness later on. Resistance builds our maturity in nullifying the enemies' strategy. We learn to recognize the serpent's fingerprints.

Thank You heavenly Father for the greater discernment and wisdom You impart through seasons of resistance against demonic powers. As I stand unwavering against the devil's harassment, Your Spirit trains and matures me to recognize the serpent's schemes more readily. I ask for greater revelation of the enemy's tactics and fingerprints so future attacks can be thwarted swiftly. Sharpen my discernment I pray, in Jesus' name.

Benefit 2: Increased Anointing and Authority

Additionally, as we successfully resist evil in Jesus' name, the Holy Spirit imparts greater spiritual authority to subdue the powers of darkness.

David was initially able to drive away an evil spirit troubling Saul with his music. Later as king, at the mere mention of his anointed name, demonic enemies would flee in terror. Our authority compounds with use as we rely on the Spirit's power and not our own.

Thank You Lord Jesus for the increased anointing and spiritual authority You impart through seasons of resisting evil forces in Your name. As I stand unwavering against satanic attacks and oppression through the Spirit's enablement, let my authority over demonic powers grow. Increase the effectiveness of my prayers and declarations, so that at the mention of Your name working mightily in me, all enemies will flee!

Benefit 3: Greater Intimacy with Christ

Finally, resisting the enemy and experiencing God's delivering power fosters deeper intimacy with Christ and trust in His protection.

David declares in Psalm 18:2 - "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."

Standing firm against evil cements our affection for the Lord as faithful Defender. We discover the depths of His love willing to intervene on our behalf.

Thank You Father for drawing me into greater intimacy with You as I resist demonic attacks through faith in Your faithfulness. As I experience Your mighty hand of deliverance and refuge time after time, my love and reverence for You deepens beyond measure. Thank You for fortifying my trust in Your strength and protection through every battle. I love and adore You!

Beloved saints, as we draw this teaching to a close, I want to encourage you to take tangible action based on what we have explored today. Do not let this simply be informational, but transformational through applying God’s Word.

First, if you have not been actively utilizing the spiritual weapons and armor outlined here, decide today to start implementing them into your daily walk with intentionality. Take time to put on the full armor of God each morning. Fill your heart with Scripture and commit to memorizing key verses. Set a time for daily prayer and spiritual warfare using the strategies we discussed. Begin wielding praise and declarations of God’s Word as offensive weapons when facing demonic attacks or oppression.

Second, I urge you to exercise the authority Christ has given you over demonic powers. Do not tolerate harassment or torment from the enemy for even one more day. Rise up in the power of the Spirit and boldly command all unclean spirits troubling you to immediately depart and go to the feet of Jesus. Cut off their assignments against you. Take back ground the enemy has gained through bringing sin into the light. As James 4:7 instructs, submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee!

Lastly, I want to challenge you to contend in unwavering faith and expectant prayer for the complete victory and deliverance God desires you to walk in. Do not settle for anything less than total freedom and spiritual breakthrough. Fix your eyes on the triumph of Christ and anchor your hope in His unfailing love and power. He Who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it as you cooperate with heaven through diligently implementing all we have covered today. May you experience unprecedented breakthrough against the powers of darkness for the glory of God alone. All praise and honor to our victorious King Jesus!

Blessings in Jesus name,

Pastor Timothy Tomlinson

Healing The Brokenhearted

Spiritual Warfare Training through Self Inner Healing Worksheet
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Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers:

Volunteer Carmen:

Carmen reached out for prayer regarding her husband who was experiencing severe mental confusion and psychotic behavior. He had become very different than before and was out of control. Carmen was unsure if this was demonic oppression or mental illness and wanted help standing in the gap for him.

Pastor Timothy encouraged Carmen that it is okay to intercede on behalf of her husband. He led everyone in a powerful corporate prayer, asking the Lord Jesus to bring peace, healing, and breakthrough to Carmen's husband. He petitioned the throne of grace on his behalf and asked for wisdom, favor and direction for Carmen as she supports him.

During the prayer, Carmen felt the peace of God wash over her, even amidst the storm. She knew through the confirmations of the Holy Spirit that breakthrough was coming for her husband. Though the situation seemed hopeless, Carmen left encouraged and expectant, with renewed faith that the Lord hears her cries on behalf of her husband. She felt equipped to continue interceding persistently until the victory manifests.

Carmen was grateful for the opportunity to stand in the gap through corporate prayer. She gained renewed hope and encouragement that the Lord is fighting on her husband's behalf. Though the battle continues, Carmen knows whose hands the situation is truly in - the Almighty Healer and Restorer.

Volunteer Lystra:

Lystra reached out concerned for two people in her life - a friend who hears troubling voices daily and her daughter who is struggling in her relationship with God. As an intercessor, Lystra wanted to know how to pray for them more effectively.

Pastor Timothy provided encouragement and wisdom, urging Lystra to continue lifting them up through prayer. For her friend, he advised gently presenting tools for inner healing that could help without overwhelming her. For her daughter, he counseled bringing issues before the Lord as Judge in the courts of heaven on her behalf.

Through the counsel, Lystra felt empowered and equipped with greater spiritual understanding. She received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that new realms ofbreakthrough were unfolding through her intercession for her loved ones. Though victory often requires perseverance, Lystra left renewed to press on in faith on their behalf.

Lystra was grateful for the wisdom and encouragement to continue standing in the gap through intercession. She felt strengthened in her call as an intercessor, knowing that God hears her prayers and is working behind the scenes. Lystra left expectant for breakthrough and committed to contending for her friend and daughter through Spirit-led intercession until the captives are set free.

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