Daniel's Prayer Strategy for Fasting and Breakthrough before the Courts of Heaven
Mentoring on The Courts of Heaven Replay 10/03/2023
The Old Testament prophet Daniel provides a powerful model for breakthrough prayer and fasting before God's throne. By examining key examples from Daniel's life, we can gain insights into effectively engaging the Courts of Heaven through prayer and fasting. Implementing Daniel's strategies can revolutionize our prayer lives and unlock greater spiritual authority and breakthrough.
The Biblical Purpose of Fasting
Fasting is a spiritual discipline Scripture consistently links with powerful prayer. Going without food intensifies our focus on God, demonstrating the urgency of our petitions. As Jesus explained, "When you fast...your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Matthew 6:17-18).
Matthew 6:17-18: "But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
Fasting crucifies natural appetites to seek God's supernatural intervention. We willingly sacrifice physical comforts out of desperation for God to move spiritually. Fasting proves that obtaining answers means more than temporary gratification. It says, "This situation requires your urgent attention, Lord. I am desperate for you to act, and willing to deny myself until breakthrough comes."
Fasting is beneficial because:
It shows God He is our highest priority, worth any sacrifice
It humbles our souls before God in greater dependency
It looses God's power to breakthrough longstanding barriers
It strengthens spiritual disciplines to hear God's voice more clearly

Daniel's Example of Fasting for Breakthrough
One example of Daniel fasting for spiritual breakthrough is Daniel 10. Daniel mourned and fasted for three entire weeks after receiving an alarming prophetic vision. He ate no choice food, no meat or wine entered his mouth, and he did not anoint himself with oil throughout the fast (Daniel 10:2-3).
Daniel 10:2-3: "At that time I, Daniel, had been in mourning for three whole weeks. I had eaten no rich food, no meat, and no wine. I hadn't showered or changed clothes."
Daniel was already a righteous man, yet he sense an intense spiritual battle behind the scenes requiring serious intercession. His committed fast demonstrated the urgency of the heavenly conflict.
In response, God sent the archangel Michael to break through demonic resistance and bring Daniel clarity. The archangel explained that Daniel's persistent prayers resulted in spiritual breakthrough (Daniel 10:12-14). Without fasting intensifying his intercession, the stronghold may not have been demolished.
Daniel's Example of Repentance Preceding Fasting
Before a different period of fasting in Daniel 9, Daniel first prayed an extensive prayer of repentance for Israel's sins. He confessed and took responsibility for his people's pattern of idolatry, rebellion, and disobedience against God over generations (Daniel 9:3-19).
This demonstrates a key principle - repenting thoroughly of sin should precede fasting. Fasting's purpose is to loose God's power and mercy, but unconfessed sin erects a barrier between us and God (Isaiah 59:2).
Sin grants the enemy legal rights to accuse us before God's throne. Daniel removed those legal obstacles through heartfelt corporate repentance before fasting to seek God's truth and mercy. His example shows the vital role repentance plays in positioning our hearts to fast effectively.
Isaiah 59:2: "It’s your sins that have cut you off from God. Because of your sins, he has turned away and will not listen anymore."
Cultivating an Attitude of Reverence and Awe
Daniel's encounter with God's throne in Daniel 7 also reveals the importance of approaching God's Courts with deep reverence and holy fear. Despite being beloved by God, Daniel felt terrified and overwhelmed entering God's majestic presence. He approached the Ancient of Days with utter humility (Daniel 7: 9-10).
This reminds us not to adopt a casual view of prayer. Even spiritual giants like Daniel trembled before God's greatness. How much more should we feel awed and humbled entering God's Courts? God seeks those who tremble at His Word (Isaiah 66:2).
Isaiah 66:2: "My hands have made both heaven and earth; they and everything in them are mine. I, the Lord, have spoken! ‘I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word.'"
As we fast and pray, maintaining an attitude of reverence is essential. Honoring God's majesty prepares our hearts to receive breakthroughs in His Courts. Irreverence grants enemy accusations more weight. But humility and dependency pave the way for God's justice.

Persevering in Prayer for the Long Haul
Daniel's example also reveals the importance of persevering in prayer until we receive breakthrough. After some confusing initial visions, Daniel determinedly continued seeking God until He brought clarity and understanding. Engaging Heaven's Courts requires tenacity, endurance and persistence (Daniel 7:15-16).
Jesus emphasized this in the Parable of the Persistent Widow, explaining we should "always pray and not lose heart" (Luke 18:1). As we present cases before our King, we must patiently yet relentlessly appeal to the Righteous Judge until justice comes. Persevering prayer wears down demonic resistance.
Luke 18:1: "One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up."
Persisting in prayer demonstrates that obtaining breakthrough matters more to us than the passage of time. As we pray and fast, we must maintain vigilant watch until God's Court releases our vindication, deliverance and breakthrough. Fasting intensifies our diligence and focus.
Cooperating with Angelic Assistance From the Throne
An additional principle seen in Daniel 7 is cooperating with the angelic assistance God sends from His throne in response to our prayers. Daniel witnessed thousands of angels carrying out God's decrees for the earth (Daniel 7:9-10).
Daniel 7:9-10: "I watched as thrones were put in place and the Ancient One sat down to judge. His clothing was as white as snow, his hair like purest wool. He sat on a fiery throne with wheels of blazing fire, and a river of fire was pouring out, flowing from his presence. Millions of angels ministered to him; many millions stood to attend him. Then the court began its session, and the books were opened."
Likewise today, God often dispatches angels to fulfill what He ordains in the spiritual courtrooms when we pray. "Bless the LORD, you His angels...who do His word, heeding the voice of His word" (Psalm 103:20). Angels heed God's courtroom decrees by quickly coming to our aid.
We cooperate with God's heavenly army by:
Asking for angelic protection, provision and guidance
Commissioning angels to help reap spiritual harvest
Inviting angels to strengthen and minister to us
Petitioning angels to deliver crucial revelations

Praying in Alignment With God's Will
In Daniel 9, we see Daniel studied Jeremiah's prophecies to understand God's will before praying and fasting. He anchored his requests firmly in Scripture's promises and principles rather than praying amiss based on human logic.
Along with humility and persistence, prayer must align with God's character and Word to receive favor in His Courts. As we fast and pray, God often guides us by illuminating the Scriptures regarding His will and preferred future.
The spirit of wisdom highlights what matters most to God. Prophetic discernment reveals the wisest pathways to answer prayer. Fasting with an open heart posture sensitizes us to God's voice through His written Word. Praying and fasting from a grounded biblical foundation allows breakthrough to flow.
Conclusion: Implement Daniel's Complete Model
In summary, Daniel's example provides a strategic model for breakthrough prayer and fasting including:
Thoroughly repenting of sin before engaging spiritual warfare through fasting
Approaching God's Court with an attitude of deep reverence and humility
Fasting to intensify prayers during times of urgent spiritual need
Persevering steadfastly until the Heavens release breakthrough
Cooperating with God's angelic assistance sent from the throne
Grounding prayer requests firmly in the principles of Scripture
Maintaining sensitivity to God's voice through His Word while fasting
Implementing these strategies allows us to present strong legal cases before the Ancient of Days that compel Heaven's favorable verdict. As we apply Daniel's model, we gain greater access to God's mercy seat and authority to overthrow demonic strongholds blocking our breakthrough.
Let me know in the comments if you plan to apply any of Daniel's breakthrough prayer strategies in your own life! I'd love to hear your reflections.
May Daniel's example give us courage to devote ourselves to repentance, prayer and fasting. Then as God rends the heavens on our behalf, long-awaited justice and transformation will surely follow. The time for divine visitation is now!
Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
Healing The Brokenhearted
Pastor Tomlinson demonstrates principles in action by engaging volunteers
Tina's Testimony
Tina reached out during the mentoring session because she wanted to understand more about the visual aspects of approaching the courts of heaven. She shared that she loses concentration and struggles with distractions when trying to engage the courts. Tina is dealing with generational issues from witchcraft in her family that have opened spiritual doorways in her life. Since age 4, she has experienced involuntary out-of-body experiences where her spirit leaves her body.
Pastor Timothy explained that the courts of heaven can be visual for some people, but for many it is not a visual experience. He guided Tina to use principles like calling on the name and authority of Jesus to break demonic strongholds, asking Jesus to reveal any accusations or open doorways, and bringing issues before the Lord for healing. He had her pray to bind evil spirits and send forth warrior angels, as exemplified in Scripture.
Pastor Timothy prayed over generational issues from Tina's family history and commanded any demons to go to the pit in Jesus' name. As he interceded, Tina shared feeling an overwhelming peace and seeing Jesus' smile, sensing His presence guiding her. She felt blessed and received direction from Jesus that this was a first step toward healing, and she needed to be patient taking one thing at a time.
Tina's testimony shows how directly engaging Jesus in the courts of heaven, even when it may not seem visually vivid, can open the way for Him to break generational bondage and bring inner healing and freedom. Through Pastor Timothy's mentoring, she accessed God's presence and grew in hearing Jesus' guidance, finding peace in the process of restoration.
Meegan's Testimony:
Meegan volunteered during the mentoring session because she was seeking breakthrough in her health and finances. She has been going through a difficult season lacking energy, struggling with weight gain, and being unable to focus to grow her business. Meegan sensed there were generational roots to these issues.
Pastor Timothy instructed Meegan to approach Jesus in the courts of heaven, presenting her health and financial needs and asking Him to reveal any related generational sins or opened doorways. He led her to repent thoroughly of any personal sins the Lord exposed. Pastor Timothy then guided Meegan to plead the blood of Jesus over these issues according to 1 John 1:7, testified of the Lord's desire to heal her, and counseled her to release the timing to God.
As Meegan followed these steps, Jesus gave her a vision of generational brokenness going back to her great-grandparents. Though she didn't tangibly feel the Lord's presence, she received direction to research her ancestry. Meegan felt hopeful knowing Jesus had shown her a roots issue to bring deeper healing.
Meegan's testimony demonstrates how humbly petitioning the Lord in His courts and repenting of sin opens the way for Him to expose generational bondage. Though healing can take time, Jesus gives vision, direction, and hope in the process as we turn to Him. Walking through the Biblical steps equips believers to partner with God to break ancestral sin.