The Narrow Path: Tactical Insights from Matthew 7 for Overcoming the Enemy
I'm really excited to share our adventure into what Jesus taught, focusing on growing spiritually and becoming stronger inside. In our last session, we really got into Matthew 6, discovering how Jesus teaches us to handle life's challenges. We looked into why it's important to help others quietly, to pray, to fast, to chase after things that last forever, and to always put God's Kingdom first. These lessons helped us stand strong against sneaky attacks from our enemies, making our trust in God's power and kindness even deeper.
This time, we're moving on to Matthew 7, where Jesus keeps teaching us in his Sermon on the Mount about how to be spiritually tough. Here, Jesus talks about making wise choices, following what he says, and building a strong belief system—key things to protect us and help us fight our spiritual battles actively.
Our dive into Matthew 7 is not just about learning stuff; it's about getting ready for the spiritual fights we face every day. It's about gaining the wisdom to make smart choices, the bravery to do what God asks even when it's hard, and the commitment to base our lives on Jesus' solid teachings. These teachings are like our game plan for dealing with life's uncertainties and the tricky parts of spiritual fighting. As we start this study, let's fully open up to the power of God's Word to make us stronger as spiritual warriors, always ready to face any challenge.
Tactic 1: Discernment - Judge Not
Folks, let me share with you something that's been on my heart. When we talk about growing spiritually and fighting those spiritual battles, there's something Jesus said in Matthew 7 that hits home every time. He tells us, "Judge not." Now, this isn't just about holding back from making snap judgments. No, it's much deeper than that. Jesus is laying out a strategy for us, a way to navigate through the twists and turns of our relationships and the battles we face without being seen. He's showing us how to live lives filled with wisdom, compassion, and unity. Unity that's strong enough to stand up against anything the enemy throws our way.
You see, when Jesus says to avoid judging others, it's not just a simple rule. He's revealing a powerful strategy to keep our Christian family tight-knit and shielded from all that division and discord the enemy loves to stir up. Judging each other, that's exactly what the enemy wants. It's how those seeds of discord get planted. But when we choose not to judge, when we decide to look at each other with grace, that's when we keep our community strong and focused on facing spiritual challenges together.
Jesus's call to "Judge not" is also a personal invitation—an invitation to look inside, to reflect, and to approach our own shortcomings with honesty and grace. It's about recognizing our own flaws before pointing out someone else's. This journey of self-reflection, it's about building a culture where forgiveness and understanding are at the forefront, going beyond just the surface level. By living out Jesus's teachings this way, we bring healing and unity, not just to ourselves, but to those around us.

And let's not forget, discernment is key in all this. It's about engaging with the world around us, not through a lens of judgment, but with wisdom and love. Discernment helps us make choices that align with God's will and the good of our community. It's a process, constantly seeking God's direction and making sure our actions reflect the kingdom values.
Prayer, folks, is where the power is at in growing our discernment and keeping that judgment at bay. The whole "Ask, Seek, Knock" thing? It's about being persistent in our prayer life, relying on God to give us the wisdom and strength we need. Regular chats with the Almighty open us up to the guidance we need to face whatever comes our way with a heart full of love, not judgment.
By choosing not to judge and focusing on discernment, we're choosing to love our neighbors in the way Jesus showed us. This kind of unconditional love, it's what brings healing and restoration to our communities. It's this love, inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit, that's our strongest weapon against the darkness.
So, wrapping this up, what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 7 is a complete game plan for living a life filled with discernment, a life that rejects judgment and leans heavily on prayer, God's guidance, and a pursuit of love and unity. By weaving these principles into our daily walk, we're gearing up for all the spiritual battles to come, standing strong in the truth that our real strength comes from divine love and wisdom. On this journey, we draw closer to God and shine as beacons of hope and love in a world that's crying out for the transformative power of Christ's love.
Matthew 7:1-6 (New Living Translation)
7 “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. 3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. 6 “Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.
Tactic 2: Reliance on God - Ask, Seek, Knock
Hey everyone, let's get into something really important, something that's super close to my heart and is key to our spiritual life. We're talking about the second big strategy for living out our faith and facing challenges that we can't see—it's all about depending on God, and it's summed up in three simple words: Ask, Seek, Knock. Jesus didn't just say these words for no reason. He was giving us a guide, a way to always connect with God's power and advice. It's like He's showing us how to keep in touch, to stay plugged in during our spiritual journey and battles.
Asking, seeking, knocking—this isn't just about praying every now and then when things get tough. It's about making prayer the first thing we turn to, not just a backup plan. It shows us that God is always there, just waiting for us to talk to Him, to share our needs, our hopes, our worries, and our dreams with Him. Jesus is guiding us to always chase after God's presence, His wisdom, and His help in every part of our lives.
When we talk about asking, it's not just about tossing a list of wishes at God. It's coming to Him with a heart that says, “You're everything I need. I can't make it without You.” It means admitting we rely on Him for everything that comes our way. And there's something really powerful in that because that's where we find our real strength. Asking reminds us that we have a special place in God's big plan—we're loved kids reaching out to a Dad who really cares about us.

Then, there's seeking. This isn't just sitting back; it's about really going after what God wants for us, looking for Him everywhere. It's about diving into His Word, finding Him in the normal days and the crazy ones. Seeking is like saying, “God, I want more of You in my life. Show me how to follow You.” It's a journey that takes us deeper into getting who God is and, in turn, who we are because of Him.
Knocking is about not giving up. It's keeping on praying, again and again, even when we don't get the answer right away or in the way we expected. When we keep knocking, it shows we trust God's timing and that He's always good. It's our way of showing our faith, believing that He's got the answers to everything, even when the waiting is hard.
These actions—asking, seeking, knocking—they change us. They make us into people who really trust God, who are strong and keep going no matter what. Through them, we learn not just to lean on God when things are rough, but to make Him the main thing in our lives. This trust in God brings us closer to Him, helps us see He's in control of everything, and to trust His plan even when we don't understand it.
And the coolest part? Jesus promises that when we ask, we'll get answers; when we seek, we'll find what we're looking for; and when we knock, doors will open. This isn't a "maybe" – it's a sure thing from the One who made everything. It's an invite to see just how faithful God is, to see Him do amazing things like moving mountains and breaking chains because of our faith.
So, as we keep going in our faith journey and face whatever comes our way, let's really get into this idea of depending on God. Let's ask boldly, seek with all our heart, and keep knocking. Because when we do, we're not just following a rule; we're living out a promise—a promise that God is with us, for us, and leading the way, every single step. This journey of trust not only brings us closer to God but also makes us lights of His love and faithfulness in a world that really needs hope.
Matthew 7:7-11 (New Living Translation)
7 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. 9 “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? 10 Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! 11 So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.
Living Victory: Applying Jesus's Strategies for a Life of Faith and Action
As we wrap up our focus on Matthew 7 this month, diving into the game-changing strategies of using good judgment and really depending on God by asking, seeking, and knocking, let's remember, we're not just soaking up information. We're on a mission to change, to live in a way that we're constantly winning with Christ and doing what He asks every step of the way.
Next month, we're not just moving forward; we're going deeper. We'll dig into more of what Jesus said and figure out how to apply these strategies in our lives. And it all starts with praying first thing in the morning. There's something special about dedicating our first moments to God that sets the tone for our entire day. It's like we're handing Him the steering wheel. It's making Him our number one, realizing that without Him, we're not getting anywhere.
And we can't forget about reading the Bible daily. The Bible isn't just any book; it's like our spiritual food. It gives us the strength, plan, and wisdom we need. By immersing ourselves in the Bible, we let God shape our thoughts and hearts, readying us to tackle anything with His guidance and deep trust in Him. Next month, we'll tackle how to make reading God's Word an essential part of our day, so it's not just sitting on our bookshelves but deeply embedded in our hearts.
Worship is also crucial on this journey. It's more than just songs; it's surrendering, showing God He deserves everything. When we worship with all our hearts, we get in sync with God, finding strength and peace only He can provide. It's a total game-changer in strengthening our trust in God. We'll explore how to make worship a regular part of our lives, changing our perspective and helping us follow Jesus's teachings with real happiness.
It's all about daily habits. These aren't just nice thoughts; they're the steps to victory. They show we mean business about following Jesus. From praying to diving into the Bible, to a lifestyle of worship, these habits are the backbone of confidently walking in God's plan. Next month, we'll dive into how to make these habits stick, sharing tips to keep us motivated and on fire for Jesus.
Here's the bottom line—doing what Jesus says is what brings it all together. Knowing Jesus's words is one thing; actually living them out is what life's all about. It means making daily choices that show we've learned something, that we trust God, and that we're putting His love into action. As we go through Matthew 7, we'll point out specific ways to put these strategies into action, making sure we're not just agreeing but actually stepping out in faith.
So, as we prepare for what's coming, let's lay the foundation. By dedicating time to prayer, soaking up the Bible, and making worship a part of our lives, we're setting ourselves up not just to listen but to act. It's all about getting ready to live the rich life Jesus teaches us about, not for our own sake, but to make His kingdom shine. Let's head into next month prepared to grow, serve, and live out the victory we have in Christ. Together, let's be people who don't just hear the Word but do it, applying these strategies Jesus gave us for such a time as this.
Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
Healing The Brokenhearted
Embracing Grace: Kathleen and Dana’s Shared Path from Loss and Addiction to Healing
Breaking Through Shadows: Kathleen's Journey of Faith and Forgiveness
Kathleen's story is about her long fight with sadness and spiritual struggles after a terrible accident took her husband in 1997. She was left alone and pregnant, facing a tough battle not just with her grief but also with a kind of spiritual pain that kept making her feel worse. Even though she tried getting help from counselors and church leaders, nothing seemed to really help, showing just how deep and complicated her pain was since the day she lost her husband. She openly talked about how hard it was to live with such a huge loss, pointing out how much she needed a breakthrough that seemed just out of reach.
Then, Pastor Timothy Tomlinson stepped in to help Kathleen heal from these deep wounds. He started by helping her take a very important step: forgiving. He encouraged her to stop blaming God for what happened to her husband. This act of forgiveness was a big deal—it was the first step in freeing Kathleen from the bitterness that was stopping her from healing. Then, they prayed together, asking Jesus to help fix Kathleen’s broken heart, dealing with both her sadness and the spiritual fights she was going through. Pastor Timothy focused on the importance of giving up our deepest hurts to Jesus, creating a chance for healing that could slowly help Kathleen find her way out of the darkness of grief.
In a special moment with Pastor Timothy, Kathleen began to forgive and heal, looking for Jesus's help with the deep scars left by her husband's sudden death and the spiritual battles that followed. As they prayed, Kathleen felt something change—a sign that Jesus was starting to heal her. This moment wasn't just about the immediate effect of their prayers; it also showed an important truth Pastor Timothy shared: healing can happen in different ways. Sometimes prayers lead to big changes quickly, but other times, healing happens bit by bit. Kathleen's story is a strong reminder of the many layers of healing. It tells us that every step forward, no matter how big or small, is part of a longer journey towards full healing. It shows the importance of keeping faith, being able to forgive, and constantly seeking Jesus's presence for healing as we deal with the challenges of emotional and spiritual recovery.
Seeking Light: Dana's Path to Healing and Renewal Through Faith
In the depths of Dana Walters' candid sharing about her intense struggle with Fentanyl addiction and its accompanying spiritual and legal battles, the session with Pastor Timothy Tomlinson became a beacon of transformative hope. Dana’s journey, marred by years of battling unseen forces and the chains of dependency, was met with a profound and compassionate response. Pastor Timothy not only addressed the immediate pain with prayers of forgiveness and reconnection with God but also laid out a structured roadmap for healing, emphasizing the critical role of daily spiritual practices—morning prayers, scripture engagement, and worship—as essential pillars for sustained recovery and spiritual renewal.
As Dana embraced the spiritual disciplines of knocking, seeking, asking, and patiently waiting on God for a sign of healing, a pivotal moment of grace unfolded. Through her active pursuit of God's presence, as guided by Pastor Timothy, Dana experienced a breakthrough—a palpable sense of peace and an improvement in her well-being, albeit slight, that marked a significant step forward in her healing journey. This subtle yet profound feeling of "feeling a little bit better" was a testament to the healing power of Jesus's presence, affirming the effectiveness of bringing one’s troubles and waiting on the Lord for restoration.
Encouraged by this encounter with God's grace, Pastor Timothy emphasized the importance of continuing this practice of bringing every issue before Jesus, highlighting the endless openness of Jesus to receive, heal, and transform. This part of Dana’s experience illuminated the session's core message: the relentless pursuit of God through prayer, the deep dive into scripture, and the embrace of worship not only draws us closer to Him but also opens the door to His healing touch. It served as a reminder that in our walk with Christ, every act of seeking, every prayer, and every moment of worship is an opportunity to experience His transforming love and peace, encouraging us to persistently turn to Jesus with every burden, confident in His power to bring healing and renewal.